Introduction from South Australia

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Awesome Friend
May 24, 2021
South Australia
I've been a lurker for a little while, so I thought it was time I said hello. I don't think of myself as a 'doomsday prepper' so much as someone striving for more self-reliance, and I've been on that path for a few years. I grow food, have chickens, make supplies of dehydrated foods, canned, frozen and pickled foods etc., I'm out of debt (except for a tiny mortgage), and into learning skills. The last 18 months have been deeply disturbing for me and have given me the impetus to ramp up my preparations and willingness to basically divorce myself from the 'system' as far as possible. I'm in South Australia, which seemed like a good place to be until it turned into a totalitaritarian police state last year. It's so insane here that if you go to a venue you are supposed to sign in or scan a QR code, and if anyone else in the venue later tests positive for SARS-Cov2, you can be dragged off to a 'medi' hotel and forced to isolate in a room for 14 days, even if you test negative every day. There are no 'cases' here and there have been only four deaths 'with' covid in 18 months, and yet it is illegal to sing without a mask on or to have a party with more than 10 people, illegal to drink standing up (sitting down is OK), and people are wearing masks in their cars and walking down the street. All the kids in high school have to wear masks all day, even though there are no 'cases'. There was a lockdown not long ago because there were two 'cases' a thousand kilometres away. It's like living in the film 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', surrounded by people who are completely insane. It's surreal and bizarre. I'm turning Amish and divorcing myself from the insanity as far as possible.
It's so insane here that if you go to a venue you are supposed to sign in or scan a QR code

Welcome dos, I'm up in se qld. The reality is we all have to go shopping, pay the rego, etc etc. Just download a pic of the QR confirmation, have it on your phone as a desktop icon so you can pull it up when needed. Most times just standing for 5 seconds pretending to do it is enough. No one but a police officer has the right to look at your personal phone so if anyone asks -they wont- tell them to ********.
You should have location services OFF as a minimum, and your phone on 'airplane' mode too when out and about.

99.9% of the herd comply so it's easy to slip under the radar ;)
Welcome to the forum and I really wish you luck with becoming more self sufficient everyday. In all honesty, that is the best thing you can be doing right now. We also try to raise and grow the majority of our food already and it sounds like you are preserving it in multiple ways which is the way to do it. Don't put all your eggs in one basket as the saying goes.

I have been reading about some of what is happening in Australia and it just seems like we are living in "unreal times". It has only started in some states here in the US and I feel like those states are heading into something like what you have been seeing there. I live in Texas and so far we haven't been seeing the lockdowns, except my personal company is now requiring a face mask again.
Welcome dos, I'm up in se qld. The reality is we all have to go shopping, pay the rego, etc etc. Just download a pic of the QR confirmation, have it on your phone as a desktop icon so you can pull it up when needed. Most times just standing for 5 seconds pretending to do it is enough. No one but a police officer has the right to look at your personal phone so if anyone asks -they wont- tell them to ********.
You should have location services OFF as a minimum, and your phone on 'airplane' mode too when out and about.

99.9% of the herd comply so it's easy to slip under the radar ;)
or don't carry your mobile phone at all. (Leave it in the car.)
or don't carry your mobile phone at all. (Leave it in the car.)
I do that too. Most places don't have a sign in form any more, and if they do it's pretty easy to just invent a fake name and address. It just annoys me no end to be living in a communist totalitarian state like this. And if you do sign in and be honest and someone tests positive in the same place we can be dragged off and imprisoned in a concentration camp -- sorry, medi hotel. I never would have believed Australia could be like this and I'm just about certain I'll be leaving as soon as we can escape.
I do that too. Most places don't have a sign in form any more, and if they do it's pretty easy to just invent a fake name and address. It just annoys me no end to be living in a communist totalitarian state like this. And if you do sign in and be honest and someone tests positive in the same place we can be dragged off and imprisoned in a concentration camp -- sorry, medi hotel. I never would have believed Australia could be like this and I'm just about certain I'll be leaving as soon as we can escape.

No medi hotels for long, there building the concentration camps.

Find other people to join together to resist and then fight.
I do that too. Most places don't have a sign in form any more, and if they do it's pretty easy to just invent a fake name and address. It just annoys me no end to be living in a communist totalitarian state like this. And if you do sign in and be honest and someone tests positive in the same place we can be dragged off and imprisoned in a concentration camp -- sorry, medi hotel. I never would have believed Australia could be like this and I'm just about certain I'll be leaving as soon as we can escape.
or don't carry your mobile phone at all. (Leave it in the car.)
That's what I have been doing for the last 20 years, but unless you want to get confronted with an ipad, and risk getting caught making a false statement, punishable in NSW by a huge fine now, the easier way is to simply go grey and join the herd. No one will question you if you appear to scan in, I have done it by simply holding my wallet up to the posters but that was in the early days.

Staff have a right to refuse service in many places if you fail to register so I just act like a typical drone and they are all smiles. To me this isn't about "My Rights" or what "Should Be" it's far too late for all that. All I want to do is go about my business like normal but without going on some government register. Cash is king for that!
No medi hotels for long, there building the concentration camps.

Find other people to join together to resist and then fight.
Australian govts do not permit that (fighting back).

The New South Wales Police Commissioner recently referred to anyone protesting the government's lockdown as "anarchists".
He is an excellent candidate for commanding a Fingerman Force, but not a good candidate for commanding ANY organisation in a SUPPOSEDLY free country.

And, if you will notice, the war criminal John Howard instigated state governments to heavily regulate gun ownership; the good totalitarian that he is.
Australian govts do not permit that (fighting back).

The New South Wales Police Commissioner recently referred to anyone protesting the government's lockdown as "anarchists".
He is an excellent candidate for commanding a Fingerman Force, but not a good candidate for commanding ANY organisation in a SUPPOSEDLY free country.

And, if you will notice, the war criminal John Howard instigated state governments to heavily regulate gun ownership; the good totalitarian that he is.
. Maybe us in the US should look to this as what is to come soon to our neighborhood.
And I always thought NY and CA were our belwhethers
No medi hotels for long, there building the concentration camps.

...and free bus rides to Camp FEMA.


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