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Awesome Friend
Jan 25, 2021
New Mexico
Amateur Radio Call Sign
Well, the democrats have kick started the inflation machine with no end in sight. INFLATION, the only progress the democrats can claim. They can't understand that transportation costs are factored into everything we consume. Not to mention, plastics part of everything we touch in our lives, come from oil.
With so many households living on credit, with no savings, inflation is a difficult taskmaster. At first many try to ignor the problem and hope it will go away. This action only serves to heighten the adjustment when it comes. Like a rope going through a pully when there is a knot on the end of the rope. The other day I saw a report where americans have failed to pay 15 billion dollars in rent during this non-evection mandate period. Talk about a major adjustment in the economy.
President Ford’s ridiculous idea to fight inflation was a sappy slogan...

Of course there were not alot of people paying their rent. It was because they didn't have to. New Mexico was a great example of this. I was reading the Nextdoor App from our old New Mexico neighborhood, and people are upset that rents have climbed so high. One person suggested that possibly the owners were trying to make up, just to break even, the money they did not receive when people didn't pay their rent. Of course, that attitude was pooh poohed, and many responded that the govt should step in and place a cap on rent amounts that can be charged. Well, gee, that wouldn't turn out very well.
American TAXPAYERS will be paying for all of the people who chose not to pay their rent. The news tonight in Portland talked about how Oregon paid over $200 million to catch renters up, and were now looking for more federal dollars to pay for even more rent.
I agree that the "rent" situation will cause more problems that have not fully come to light. But that is NOT the totality of what this post is about. Inflation in general.
In 2020 the fed printed 25% of all dollars in existence from the history of the first dollar! That is massive over printing. And they are not done printing yet. That alone will cause inflation.
Other things like scarcity of goods causes prices to go way up. For instance Brandon is getting ready to shut off the pipeline that supplies all of the fuel to the Midwest. Gas, diesel, and heating oil are going to probably double in price soon because of this and the lack of drilling here in the US. Also, the resupply is broken with the fact that they cant empty the ports because only vaxed truckers can enter to take the stuff from the ports and move it to the distribution centers and hence there are hundreds of tankers offshore waiting. All this because some moron, "Brandon", made an illegal and unconstitutional mandate for this untested vaccine! Thankfully the truckers aren't that gullible to be a medical experiment cause IF we ever come back from this we will need them in the future.
Also, and perhaps more importantly, the way that our dollar has been able to be printed like crazy for years and still hold value is because Bush had the desert storm war fought and then made a deal with Saudi Arabia that they would only sell oil in the US Dollars and we would defend them. As a result Saudi Arabia somehow made it so that every country in the world had to use US dollars to buy and sell oil. That is where sanctions come from, tied to the swift money moving system. SO, 2 months ago when "Brandon" was on stage screwing up Afghanistan, Russia came in and told the Saudi's that they would protect them militarily if they ever needed it. So Saudi Arabia does NOT need us to protect them or to poorly project peace in the middle east (proven by the poor response in Afghan.) Hence the Saudi's do not need us to uphold our end of the deal and hence the US-Petro-Dollar system is broken!!!! Countries all around the world do not need to use the dollar anymore to buy and sell oil. Not sure if you are registering what I am saying, but this could very well be THE most significant "Jenga" block pulled on the US Dollar house of cards. All countries around the world need to do is use another currency. IF the problem is that SWIFT is only able to send "cross boarder payments" via the US Dollar they can easily bypass the old SWIFT system with Bitcoin or XRP or any other crypto currency of their choice. At the end of WW2 when Nixon did away with the gold standard that properly backed our US Dollar, it was France that first said that they wanted to take all of their accumulated dollars and exchange them for gold. We gave France their gold... then 10-20 other countries asked to redeem they're dollars for gold and that is when Nixon canceled the gold standard. That didn't take long! A very similar thing is all that needs to happen now. On the worlds watch one country could begin a process of buying/selling oil any way other than the US Dollars and start a chain reactions just like France in the time of the end of the gold standard. The US Dollar is done for!!!!!
So with that knowledge NOT holding much more than what you absolutely need to get by in US Dollars would be a good idea! Getting ones savings into tangible assets NOW is smart. If you are a prepper and not a sheeple then you should already be seeing at least some of this unfold. Get silver, get gold, get crypto, get food, get ammo, get high end fire arms.

Opps... I accidently spend too much money on silver! And sold my land and house and converted the dollars into silver. And took all of the profits from my company last in 2019 and bought crypto with it, which I wouldn't have done by the way if it weren't for the silver that I had, but this way I'm covered on both fronts...if the dollar collapses or if the new financial system launches. Hint- look up ISo-20022
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I feel lucky to have found out about gold and silver in the early 00's. While the prepper forums were ranting about beans and bullets I was buying coins and bars, and still am! Every time the US dollar grows stronger, as it did a month ago, the cost of silver and gold in my currency drops, a buying opportunity! Then there is inflation, and they always go up and up in times of inflation, just like in the decade of the 00's, like their ballistic rise in the 1970's.

Funny how the prepper community as a whole shuns the PMs, but it's just more evidence that what makes up most of the mindset is rubbish. The pinnacle of mainstream preparedness is walking through chicken poo and grubbing in the dirt all day long. Like there has never a time in history where people with money couldn't buy whatever they wanted, or couldn't, in a pinch, set up a chicken run and a backyard full of fast growing vegetables. It's throwback to the days of the early settlers I think. A deep psychological desire to live in a world where there is no technology beyond a shovel and a long rifle. Yet here we all are with computers and digital phones, modern autos and health insurance?
There is no inflation, the economy is the best it has ever been. I heard Traitor Joe say this today, so it is settled. There is no inflation.

This was the Obama method, remember? When ever a problem arose in America, Obama would make a speech about it and he would consider the problem settled. He did this trick for 8 years. Now, Old Joe thinks he can pull it off too.
There's still alot of people who believe everything he says, and I think Joe wants everyone to believe the economy is OK. A slow collapse works better for him so that everyone is not all freaking out at the same time.
Not sure what you're meaning, Backand Beyond, about the walking in the chicken poop and the grub and all. Prepping is that, but not all that. I just have to add that I've met many so called preppers that don't actually do that or do anything. They are computer preppers, just read about it, believe that having the info in their head is enough. Talked to an old friend who does believe the economy is crap, probably will collapse, but thinks that he doesn't actually have to prepare since he knows how to fix machinery. Thinks the reading and knowing will get him to a farm where he can be cared for and fed for his knowledge of how to fix a tractor or a small engine. He has never gotten his hands dirty. Growing food is a dirty job, raising animals is a dirty job, cooking food and taking care of your family is not a dirty job, things are not all one way or another, it's both.
This keyboard prepper is still working on reliable energy sources for two new houses. I can't go too far beyond this problem.
Gasoline. Now at $4.56 gallon for me in California. This includes about 45 cents federal tax, another kind of federal tax also and $1.00 gallon state tax. The Brandon Administration if they were really interested in lowering gas prices, would waive their taxes for six months and so would the state. But they are not interested in inflation at all. This is because their supporters are at the top of the income spectrum and don't care AND on the bottom of the spectrum and will get an automatic welfare dole to make up for inflation--so they don't care either. It is only the middle class who cares about inflation and the Brandon Administration does not care about them.
  • Wholesale prices rose 9.6% from a year ago, the highest level going back to November 2010.
  • The pace was even faster than the 9.2% estimate.
  • The core producer price index increased at a 6.9% pace, a bit slower than estimates but still the fastest ever in records dating to August 2014.
Wholesale prices increased at their quickest pace on record in November in the latest sign that the inflation pressures bedeviling the economy are still present, the Labor Department reported Tuesday.

The producer price index for final demand increased 9.6% over the previous 12 months after rising another 0.8% in November. Economists had been looking for an annual gain of 9.2%, according to FactSet.

Excluding food, energy and trade services prices rose 0.7% for the month, putting core PPI at 6.9%, also the largest gain on record. Estimates were for respective gains of 0.4% and 7.2%, meaning the monthly gain was faster than estimates but the year-over-year measure was a bit slower.

The Labor Department’s record keeping for the headline number goes back to November 2010, while the core calculation dates to August 2014.

Those numbers come with headline consumer prices running at their fastest pace in nearly 40 years and core inflation the hottest in about 30 years.

Demand for goods continued to be the bigger driver for producer prices, rising 1.2% for the month, a touch slower than the 1.3% October increase. Final demand services inflation ran at a 0.7% monthly rate, much faster than the 0.2% October rate and a sign that the services side could be catching up in prices after lagging through much of the recovery.

Stock indexes were mixed following the release, as investors see inflation and the strong potential for a Federal Reserve policy response as threats to what has been a boom year for equities.

The Fed begins its two-day meeting Tuesday, with expectations running high that it will remove its economic help more quickly and start raising interest rates around the middle part of 2022.

Fed officials for months had been insisting that inflation was “transitory” and closely tied to Covid pandemic-related factors that eventually would fade. However, in recent days Chairman Jerome Powell and others have indicated that word no longer is appropriate and likely will be dropped from future central bank communications.

Supply chain bottlenecks and surging demand have been the primary drivers of inflation, and have eased only marginally.

Final demand energy prices jumped another 2.6% in November despite sliding crude prices, while food was up 1.2%. Transportation and warehousing increased 1.9%, while portfolio management spiked 2.9%.

Elsewhere, iron and steel scrap prices surged 10.7%, and a host of others costs including gasoline, fruits and vegetables and industrial chemicals also increased. Diesel fuel costs were down 2.6% for the month, while chemicals and allied products wholesaling declined 1.3%.
Yep, I paid $3.69 at a Shell station. My tank was almost half full and it was $46. I used to fill up for less than that.

I was talking to a plumber who services middle Tennessee and he said it's really taking a chunk of his profits. Of course, this will all be passed on to us, but we have the best economy ever. Joe told me so last night.
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I paid 4.79 for diesel last week. Scared to see what this week will bring. Station I go to shuts off at 100.

I could drive the gas vehicle, but I get worse mileage. The Tesla is still about $10 a fill at the super charger.
We are also paying around $ 4.80 a gallon for diesel and gasoline here. The presiden has capped the sales of fuel at 40 liters each visit to the station. But you can go around the corner to the next station and get it again.....
When Krystal meal goes from $4.99 to $8.99 in a very short span that is just a glimpse of what is headed our way.

I went to Harbor Freight and bought extra duct tape, scissors and cheap paint brushes to clean the saw dust from my chainsaws after use. They were only $.55. To me it's really hard to get all of the crud out of the small holes.
When Krystal meal goes from $4.99 to $8.99 in a very short span that is just a glimpse of what is headed our way.

I went to Harbor Freight and bought extra duct tape, scissors and cheap paint brushes to clean the saw dust from my chainsaws after use. They were only $.55. To me it's really hard to get all of the crud out of the small holes.

Is that real? Krystals meals are now $9?!

You are doing a lot of thoughtful prepping Robin. Nice going!!! 👍

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