I believe a larger disaster is coming. What we must prepare for.

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Proud Prepper

Prepper of all thing's
HCL Supporter
Mar 13, 2017
Top secret location in S. Louisiana and Arkansas
All Americans should get prepared for:

– Extended power grid outages

– Social chaos, rioting, armed looting, organized “flash mob looters” will hit commercial establishments, pharmacies, grocery stores will be targeted and cleaned out.

– Extreme economic damage, a collapse in both commercial and residential mortgages. Collapse of all investment instruments based on mortgages.

– Food scarcity will increase over next few months, extreme food shortages in certain areas (like eggs), disrupted supply lines.

– Rapid loss of purchasing power of the dollar, as this fiat currency experiences the final blowout stage of bailout insanity. By the time the government is done bailing everybody out, the dollar will be history and the U.S. government as we know it may be shattered. A possible scenario to consider is the Balkanization of America, regional nation-states such as Texas / Oklahoma / Louisiana, or rural Washington / Oregon / North California, forming up as new nations, to run their own banks, currencies, power grids and national defense.

– Any person foolish enough to be left holding dollars when the music stops will lose everything. Dollars will become worthless. Peter Schiff has been right all along.

As a side note, gold and silver are now “unobtanium” as all physical previous metals have disappeared and mines are shutting down in some areas due to the virus. Paper metals are all illusion. Physical price is real price, and gold is about to go to insane levels vs. the dollar as the dollar ultimately collapse in value. It’s pointless to try to express the value of gold in a worthless fiat currency. A better valuation is gold vs. silver ratio, or gold vs. food or rent. How much gold buys a one-year supply of food? How much silver pays for one month of rent? Those are the economics that Americans will soon begin to use for computing value, barter and trade.

If you don’t yet have enough food to prepare for 18 months of mass deaths, lockdowns, riots, economic collapse and food disruptions, you are behind the curve. Try not to stay behind the curve, or you will get overrun by it.

Plant food now. Raise chickens (I’m hatching about 50 new baby chicks over the next 2-3 weeks). Eggs will become currency. Set up local comms. Have backup generators and fuel (I use a PTO generator that can drag behind an old diesel-powered John Deere tractor). Diesel is safe to store, gasoline is not.

Lock and load all firearms. Check sight-ins. Check batteries on red dots. Load all AR mags to 28 rounds. Use expanding tips ammo. Adjust your chest rig for active use. Prepare all your ballistic plates. Clean your Glock and lube the BCG on your AR. If you don’t know what the BCG is, you are already behind the curve. Try to catch up.

Start micro-caching everything. NJ has ordered police to confiscate all medical supplies. They will soon come for your food, ammo and gold. This is no joke. You either hide it or you lose it, in Democrat-run cities. Extra food supplies will be labeled “illegal hoarding.” You will be dragged away and thrown in a coronavirus quarantine death camp run by FEMA, if you are caught with extra supplies in a liberal city. This is a wise time to bug out to flyover America, get away from the Dems. Get to the free states if you can. Over the last ten years, most gun, ammo and magazine manufacturers already moved away from Connecticut, California, New York, etc. All the liberal states have no local production means to fight a civil war, if it comes to that, so they will confiscate everything from local citizens.

Finally, half of America will reject the election outcome this November, no matter what happens. Dems will commit massive vote-by-mail fraud, that’s already in the works. If Trump wins, Dem voters will lose their ****. If Trump loses, patriots will declare the election null and void. There is almost no scenario in which this upcoming election is accepted by the losing side. Civil war is a very real possibility, exacerbated by the coronavirus-induced economic collapse that’s hitting high-density liberal cities especially hard.
All Americans should get prepared for:

– Extended power grid outages

– Social chaos, rioting, armed looting, organized “flash mob looters” will hit commercial establishments, pharmacies, grocery stores will be targeted and cleaned out.

– Extreme economic damage, a collapse in both commercial and residential mortgages. Collapse of all investment instruments based on mortgages.

– Food scarcity will increase over next few months, extreme food shortages in certain areas (like eggs), disrupted supply lines.

– Rapid loss of purchasing power of the dollar, as this fiat currency experiences the final blowout stage of bailout insanity. By the time the government is done bailing everybody out, the dollar will be history and the U.S. government as we know it may be shattered. A possible scenario to consider is the Balkanization of America, regional nation-states such as Texas / Oklahoma / Louisiana, or rural Washington / Oregon / North California, forming up as new nations, to run their own banks, currencies, power grids and national defense.

– Any person foolish enough to be left holding dollars when the music stops will lose everything. Dollars will become worthless. Peter Schiff has been right all along.

As a side note, gold and silver are now “unobtanium” as all physical previous metals have disappeared and mines are shutting down in some areas due to the virus. Paper metals are all illusion. Physical price is real price, and gold is about to go to insane levels vs. the dollar as the dollar ultimately collapse in value. It’s pointless to try to express the value of gold in a worthless fiat currency. A better valuation is gold vs. silver ratio, or gold vs. food or rent. How much gold buys a one-year supply of food? How much silver pays for one month of rent? Those are the economics that Americans will soon begin to use for computing value, barter and trade.

If you don’t yet have enough food to prepare for 18 months of mass deaths, lockdowns, riots, economic collapse and food disruptions, you are behind the curve. Try not to stay behind the curve, or you will get overrun by it.

Plant food now. Raise chickens (I’m hatching about 50 new baby chicks over the next 2-3 weeks). Eggs will become currency. Set up local comms. Have backup generators and fuel (I use a PTO generator that can drag behind an old diesel-powered John Deere tractor). Diesel is safe to store, gasoline is not.

Lock and load all firearms. Check sight-ins. Check batteries on red dots. Load all AR mags to 28 rounds. Use expanding tips ammo. Adjust your chest rig for active use. Prepare all your ballistic plates. Clean your Glock and lube the BCG on your AR. If you don’t know what the BCG is, you are already behind the curve. Try to catch up.

Start micro-caching everything. NJ has ordered police to confiscate all medical supplies. They will soon come for your food, ammo and gold. This is no joke. You either hide it or you lose it, in Democrat-run cities. Extra food supplies will be labeled “illegal hoarding.” You will be dragged away and thrown in a coronavirus quarantine death camp run by FEMA, if you are caught with extra supplies in a liberal city. This is a wise time to bug out to flyover America, get away from the Dems. Get to the free states if you can. Over the last ten years, most gun, ammo and magazine manufacturers already moved away from Connecticut, California, New York, etc. All the liberal states have no local production means to fight a civil war, if it comes to that, so they will confiscate everything from local citizens.

Finally, half of America will reject the election outcome this November, no matter what happens. Dems will commit massive vote-by-mail fraud, that’s already in the works. If Trump wins, Dem voters will lose their ****. If Trump loses, patriots will declare the election null and void. There is almost no scenario in which this upcoming election is accepted by the losing side. Civil war is a very real possibility, exacerbated by the coronavirus-induced economic collapse that’s hitting high-density liberal cities especially hard.
I agree 100%. What I see happening within the next few weeks is the government shutting down banks and gas stations in an effort to force everyone to stay home like good little sheep waiting to be slaughtered.
I agree in principle with the tone of this post, ABSOLUTE caution is essential regardless of what issues you fear most. I dont agree with all Rellgars examples and I have examples that I fear will happen that Rellgar will not agree with. BUT...................None the less I feal we have all possibly underestimated the impact of what is going to hit us in the next couple of years.

The fuse is lit, it is burning you have two choices you can (A) Bury your head in the sand (B) Prep like you never prepped before, you need more of EVERYTHING.
And if you live in large Cities especially ones controlled by the socialists, Then may your god go with you.

I agree 100%. What I see happening within the next few weeks is the government shutting down banks and gas stations in an effort to force everyone to stay home like good little sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

I also believe that once the cops start to stay at home to protect their families the crims will trash local power utilities to make predating on the urban vulnerable easier like they did on the LA riots and London riots.

Also think about loved ones out and about work etc, get a message to them NOW telling them if the cell system is turned off by the Feds as they do these days to stop gang and terrorist chatter , or it fails tell them they must come home as soon as the comms systems fails.
To be honest, I'm more concerned about the economies than the virus! Without the economy we lose access to life saving meds, food, shelter, safe water, security and much more, losing the economy will cause far more deaths than this virus.

People can only be packed in a sardine can so long before thing begin to stink and they all want out, this is when the troubles truly begins.
To be honest, I'm more concerned about the economies than the virus! Without the economy we lose access to life saving meds, food, shelter, safe water, security and much more, losing the economy will cause far more deaths than this virus.

People can only be packed in a sardine can so long before thing begin to stink and they all want out, this is when the troubles truly begins.

I agree but feel that it could be FUEL and Long Distance food transportation that will hurt you guys the most, Over here I think food will rot in the fields because we are lazy in the UK and dont have a government with the balls to get the unemployed into the fields.
I agree but feel that it could be FUEL and Long Distance food transportation that will hurt you guys the most, Over here I think food will rot in the fields because we are lazy in the UK and dont have a government with the balls to get the unemployed into the fields.

Without oil we can't make 80% needed medical supply's and components not to mention the byproduct of oil is used in medicine. I couldn't list everything thus I ended it "and much more"

Products made from oil.
There’s no doubt there are some tough things coming. I seriously hope a Religar is over reacting with the above expectations but one thing that stands out to me is don’t stop preparing now. If you think you have enough of everything, just add some more. If we’re wrong here you can donate it to the food bank and do your good deed later on. If we’re right then you won’t regret buying the extra....
Two things might mitigate that.

One, if we can get the death rate down and shorten the recovery time with the antimalarial drugs, we might avoid a complete collapse of the health care system. With adequate treatment, maybe this will become just another flu in time. We obviously can't wait 18 months for a vaccine before we can recover, the world will have gone to hell in a handbasket by then.

Two, if we can get an antibody test in wide use, we can certify people to go back to work that have the antibody. They won't have to be quarantined because they can't get it and therefore they can't spread it.
Two things might mitigate that.

One, if we can get the death rate down and shorten the recovery time with the antimalarial drugs, we might avoid a complete collapse of the health care system. With adequate treatment, maybe this will become just another flu in time. We obviously can't wait 18 months for a vaccine before we can recover, the world will have gone to hell in a handbasket by then.

Two, if we can get an antibody test in wide use, we can certify people to go back to work that have the antibody. They won't have to be quarantined because they can't get it and therefore they can't spread it.

I hope so, but the second part may not be entirely true.
Hi, I'm new to the forum, but not new to prepping. We live in a conservative state in the SE about an hour from a liberal city in a typical small town neighborhood. My wife and I have been attempting to convince more of our neighbors to start growing their own food now...right now, not in 2 or 3 weeks when we see how bad it's going to get. and I think you're probably right Rellgar about eggs being a good currency. I know that people here can live without power, because we have done it before for weeks when the hurricanes come through. I think if I can just get people around here to taking this seriously enough and thinking long term enough to start growing food, we MIGHT be OK in terms of people keeping their cool, and we won't have to resort to using weapons to defend our stockpile, which I'd obviously prefer not to do if it can possibly be avoided (both to conserve resources and because obviously if it has come to that, we've had the least desirable outcome possible).

Water is also another obvious concern, and we have plenty of lakes in our area. The trick would be purifying it. I have purification methods and extra water, but only enough for our family. Are there ways to purify water that can be easily learned so that people can do it themselves that anyone knows of?

Final question, what do people here think the likelihood of people from our cities coming into our rural areas and attempting to steal resources? One thought I have had over the past few days is that since we're dealing with a communicable disease, people might be less likely to attempt to enter someone's home and steal because they'd be worried about catching the virus.

If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd really appreciate your input.
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Final question, what do people here think the likelihood of people from our cities coming into our rural areas and attempting to steal resources? One thought I have had over the past few days is that since we're dealing with a communicable disease, people might be less likely to attempt to enter someone's home and steal because they'd be worried about catching the virus.
The closer you are to a major metropolitan area, the higher the likelihood. Right now, most of the people fleeing the cities are the rich going to summer homes or hunting camps. But when the food runs out in the cities, they will swarm out like rats off a sinking ship.
The closer you are to a major metropolitan area, the higher the likelihood. Right now, most of the people fleeing the cities are the rich going to summer homes or hunting camps. But when the food runs out in the cities, they will swarm out like rats off a sinking ship.

Yes of course, and it is something that concerns me. I do know that many, many people in the city we are closest to rely on mass forms transit and would have no way of traveling to our location an hour away by car. That's not to say that there are not many who do have cars, but if our system has had a hard shut down, wouldn't they also have trouble getting gas? Walking would also be difficult as we're entering the hot and humid season in our state, and those kinds of temperatures have detrimental effects on the human body.

Also, and very sadly, many of those people are proving to be some of the hardest hit by the virus due to the conditions in the areas they live in.

Also, if google isn't working or if power goes out, phones will quickly run out of battery, and so many people rely 100% on their phone for navigation. I would imagine that finding a small town like ours would be very difficult for some people without modern GPS technology.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic (and that's not the appropriate word for this situation at all I realize).
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. Are there ways to purify water that can be easily learned so that people can do it themselves that anyone knows of?

Final question, what do people here think the likelihood of people from our cities coming into our rural areas and attempting to steal resources? One thought I have had over the past few days is that since we're dealing with a communicable disease, people might be less likely to attempt to enter someone's home and steal because they'd be worried about catching the virus.


Berkfields and or Big Berkys are the answer to your water needs


People are already venturing out of the cities to poach, rustle livestock, steal crops and fuel supplies.
Are there ways to purify water that can be easily learned so that people can do it themselves that anyone knows of?
Hi BookWorm, the easiest way to "purify" water is to distill it like moonshine. You can cook salt water, lake water and rain water, even dirty water from a rain puddle. Distilled water has no minerals but if you get your minerals and vitamins from your food, you will be ok. Google moonshining and make a distillery. Filters are ok but eventually get stopped up and need replacing. If you have lakes, use filters, chlorox, halazone, MMS or calcium hypochlorite. Google all of these and write it down. Get experience using all of them. Small filtering straws are great if you are on the run, Berkey is great if you have clean water and want to make it better. Distilling and reverse osmosis are the only true way to get pure water. Distilling is time consuming and reverse osmosis or just osmosis looses too much water since the membranes let pure water through and the rest just runs off. Using Chlorox leaves residues of the taste and smell from the stuff. MMS, halazone and such leave the dead bacteria and viruses in the water as a type of micro-residue which is better to filter out, but will not stop up your filters. I have seen someone take an air de-humidifier and put a pollen filter on the front, take the catch tray out, attach a tubing to the heat exchanger, place the whole thing in a new and clean 30 gallon trash can with a little 12 V pump and switch with his solar system or just a car battery. The de-humidifier pulls the moisture from the air, it turns into distilled water, which runs into the trash can as clean water and he pumped it into a 1 gallon container to be able to use it for drinking, cooking, washing or even flushing the toilet. BEWARE!! distilled water has no minerals! If you get it in your eyes, it will burn like hell as it takes the salt and saline content away!! No damage to your eyes,,,,just burns like hell, almost like teargas...GP
Yes of course, and it is something that concerns me. I do know that many, many people in the city we are closest to rely on mass forms transit and would have no way of traveling to our location an hour away by car. That's not to say that there are not many who do have cars, but if our system has had a hard shut down, wouldn't they also have trouble getting gas? Walking would also be difficult as we're entering the hot and humid season in our state, and those kinds of temperatures have detrimental effects on the human body.

Also, and very sadly, many of those people are proving to be some of the hardest hit by the virus due to the conditions in the areas they live in.

Also, if google isn't working or if power goes out, phones will quickly run out of battery, and so many people rely 100% on their phone for navigation. I would imagine that finding a small town like ours would be very difficult for some people without modern GPS technology.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic (and that's not the appropriate word for this situation at all I realize).

As I'm reading my own post again, I hope I did not paint too gruesome of a picture. This is one of many unlikely hypothetical situations that I am playing out in my own crazy mind right now, so take it with a grain of salt. I realize that there are probably people from all over the country frantically reading these forums and we are already in a heightened enough state as it is, and I do not want to add fuel to the fire.

In my personal opinion, I do believe we will see the other side of this and that by July 4th, we'll be celebrating like we never have before.

For anyone reading this, Rellgar's advice is some of the best I've seen just about anywhere. Grow food and encourage your neighbors to do the same. I for one would love to see grassroots movements all over the country encouraging Americans to do this so they can provide for their families in the event of a food supply disruption. If there is one key takeaway from this for many Americans, I think it is that, "The people who said to prepare were right. Things like this can happen, so maybe we should listen up right now".
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I agree 100%. What I see happening within the next few weeks is the government shutting down banks and gas stations in an effort to force everyone to stay home like good little sheep waiting to be slaughtered.
Every time Trump is on tv he always acts like he doesn’t want to override states. He says he wants each state to figure it out for themselves. Why do you think that would quickly change?
There’s no doubt there are some tough things coming. I seriously hope a Religar is over reacting with the above expectations but one thing that stands out to me is don’t stop preparing now. If you think you have enough of everything, just add some more. If we’re wrong here you can donate it to the food bank and do your good deed later on. If we’re right then you won’t regret buying the extra....
Would you buy extra food to last a long time just in case you don’t have money? Or do you think food would be hard to come by with supply chain disruptions?
All Americans should get prepared for:

– Extended power grid outages

– Social chaos, rioting, armed looting, organized “flash mob looters” will hit commercial establishments, pharmacies, grocery stores will be targeted and cleaned out.

– Extreme economic damage, a collapse in both commercial and residential mortgages. Collapse of all investment instruments based on mortgages.

– Food scarcity will increase over next few months, extreme food shortages in certain areas (like eggs), disrupted supply lines.

– Rapid loss of purchasing power of the dollar, as this fiat currency experiences the final blowout stage of bailout insanity. By the time the government is done bailing everybody out, the dollar will be history and the U.S. government as we know it may be shattered. A possible scenario to consider is the Balkanization of America, regional nation-states such as Texas / Oklahoma / Louisiana, or rural Washington / Oregon / North California, forming up as new nations, to run their own banks, currencies, power grids and national defense.

– Any person foolish enough to be left holding dollars when the music stops will lose everything. Dollars will become worthless. Peter Schiff has been right all along.

As a side note, gold and silver are now “unobtanium” as all physical previous metals have disappeared and mines are shutting down in some areas due to the virus. Paper metals are all illusion. Physical price is real price, and gold is about to go to insane levels vs. the dollar as the dollar ultimately collapse in value. It’s pointless to try to express the value of gold in a worthless fiat currency. A better valuation is gold vs. silver ratio, or gold vs. food or rent. How much gold buys a one-year supply of food? How much silver pays for one month of rent? Those are the economics that Americans will soon begin to use for computing value, barter and trade.

If you don’t yet have enough food to prepare for 18 months of mass deaths, lockdowns, riots, economic collapse and food disruptions, you are behind the curve. Try not to stay behind the curve, or you will get overrun by it.

Plant food now. Raise chickens (I’m hatching about 50 new baby chicks over the next 2-3 weeks). Eggs will become currency. Set up local comms. Have backup generators and fuel (I use a PTO generator that can drag behind an old diesel-powered John Deere tractor). Diesel is safe to store, gasoline is not.

Lock and load all firearms. Check sight-ins. Check batteries on red dots. Load all AR mags to 28 rounds. Use expanding tips ammo. Adjust your chest rig for active use. Prepare all your ballistic plates. Clean your Glock and lube the BCG on your AR. If you don’t know what the BCG is, you are already behind the curve. Try to catch up.

Start micro-caching everything. NJ has ordered police to confiscate all medical supplies. They will soon come for your food, ammo and gold. This is no joke. You either hide it or you lose it, in Democrat-run cities. Extra food supplies will be labeled “illegal hoarding.” You will be dragged away and thrown in a coronavirus quarantine death camp run by FEMA, if you are caught with extra supplies in a liberal city. This is a wise time to bug out to flyover America, get away from the Dems. Get to the free states if you can. Over the last ten years, most gun, ammo and magazine manufacturers already moved away from Connecticut, California, New York, etc. All the liberal states have no local production means to fight a civil war, if it comes to that, so they will confiscate everything from local citizens.

Finally, half of America will reject the election outcome this November, no matter what happens. Dems will commit massive vote-by-mail fraud, that’s already in the works. If Trump wins, Dem voters will lose their ****. If Trump loses, patriots will declare the election null and void. There is almost no scenario in which this upcoming election is accepted by the losing side. Civil war is a very real possibility, exacerbated by the coronavirus-induced economic collapse that’s hitting high-density liberal cities especially hard.

hell yeah and on top of all that,,,,,I'M GOING TO RUN OUT OF TOILET PAPER

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