I am new to prepping , Where should I start?

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Mar 24, 2013
West Virgina
I hope to learn from the more experienced!!
I have Started by saving up the vital needs but have no clue how to find a place to create a shelter or where to even start looking, so any suggestions on the steps I need to take to make this possible please let me know!! Thanks
Hi Jann, welcome to the forum. First, you need to cover your basics; food, water, shelter. Do you know if you plan to shelter in place or bug out? Do you know what you are prepping for? We can help you figure things out, just read through the forum and ask questions as you have them and if you have any suggestions feel free to share them as well.
Hi Jann, welcome to the forum. First, you need to cover your basics; food, water, shelter. Do you know if you plan to shelter in place or bug out? Do you know what you are prepping for? We can help you figure things out, just read through the forum and ask questions as you have them and if you have any suggestions feel free to share them as well.

Thank you for your reply! I really think I wanna Bug Out ! I just want to be as ready as I can be for anything that happens Natural or Man made!! I have been researching ideas and info for the last 8mths and I have some things ready but I am a single mom of two who are very active in sports and I work alll the time and still dont have much time or money to purchase some things I would really like too because of the expense! So I am looking at all ideas !! Thanks again!
Are you in a defendable place now? Is it a safe location? Do you have a safer location in mind? Is that location reachable by foot if vehicles are not an option?
Are you in a defendable place now? Is it a safe location? Do you have a safer location in mind? Is that location reachable by foot if vehicles are not an option?[/quote

My home is safe as far as Natural Disasters go like big storms or such and flooding. As for keeping people out or protecting my home .....thats a negative! My home is built into a hill and there are way to many access points! I do not have a location yet and thats what I am kinda trying to figure out now! I need some place close enough to walk if need be and some place safe out sight. Problem being that I want to have a place stakled and ready and I would like to have something under ground!! but no idea where
You forgot the ] behind 'quote'. How old are your kids? You'll need to factor that in as well. Making your home safer for the short term may be better than leaving immediately, this way the crowds are gone and you can move about easier.
You forgot the ] behind 'quote'. How old are your kids? You'll need to factor that in as well. Making your home safer for the short term may be better than leaving immediately, this way the crowds are gone and you can move about easier.

They are 14 & 13 both boys. and thats a good point about the crowds! In your opionion what do you thik would cause for them to call Marshal Law? What signs would tell you its time to go?
Economic collapse would cause them to impose martial law or a natural disaster. This is my personal opinion. If you can shore up your home to make it for the time being so that you do not draw attention to yourselves, you're better off than being on the road with thousands of others.
Economic collapse would cause them to impose martial law or a natural disaster. This is my personal opinion. If you can shore up your home to make it for the time being so that you do not draw attention to yourselves, you're better off than being on the road with thousands of others.

thank you very much for all of your help. I just am affraid to stay put because I live in the City and I am just affraid of what others will do !! I feel like being out in country I would definately stay put ! May be I just need to find a home in the country and I guess that would solve all my problems! Well except for the one where I would have another payment to make!! LOL
Getting to the country is like getting a head start in a marathon. I agree with water food shelter in that order and also a way to cook the food and purify the water. Having a well would be a good start or some sort of water supply would be a big help if you look at areas out of the city to move to. Also wildlife in the area for hunting. Going camping for the weekend taking only a bug out bag will really get you to thinking about what is a necessity and what is a creature comfort. Make it a family outing and bounce ideas off each other with the thought of if we couldn't go back home what will we need to survive. Adapt your plans each trip and look around the forum for ideas. Good luck
I hope to learn from the more experienced!!
I have Started by saving up the vital needs but have no clue how to find a place to create a shelter or where to even start looking, so any suggestions on the steps I need to take to make this possible please let me know!! Thanks
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
Getting to the country is like getting a head start in a marathon. I agree with water food shelter in that order and also a way to cook the food and purify the water. Having a well would be a good start or some sort of water supply would be a big help if you look at areas out of the city to move to. Also wildlife in the area for hunting. Going camping for the weekend taking only a bug out bag will really get you to thinking about what is a necessity and what is a creature comfort. Make it a family outing and bounce ideas off each other with the thought of if we couldn't go back home what will we need to survive. Adapt your plans each trip and look around the forum for ideas. Good luck
The camping trip is another good idea !! I think my boys would like it ! We go camping quite often and they like that bt the roughing it will be a great expeirence! You guys are all awesome!! thanks
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!
Thank you !! i have learned quite a few things already!! you guys are great thanks !!
I don't know how big your town is or what the neighborhood is like. If you honestly feel like you'd be in danger within the first 72 hours of martial law being declared or whatever should happen, then by all means you have got to get out. Yes being in the country does give a person a little more peace of mind because you generally don't see as many people. Do you know your neighbors at all? Are they the type that they are going to bust in your door to take what you have or are they more likely to keep to themselves. Do you have family that you can bug out to?
I don't know how big your town is or what the neighborhood is like. If you honestly feel like you'd be in danger within the first 72 hours of martial law being declared or whatever should happen, then by all means you have got to get out. Yes being in the country does give a person a little more peace of mind because you generally don't see as many people. Do you know your neighbors at all? Are they the type that they are going to bust in your door to take what you have or are they more likely to keep to themselves. Do you have family that you can bug out to?
Well I just got new neighbors, not really sure about them yet but my other ones would probably keep to them selves! However, I live in the middle of our City and I am in a good neighbor hood but about two blocks either way is bad neighbor hoods and we have even expierenced break ins recently! Our city is being ran over by drugs!! The bad bad ones too!! I hate it cause I grew up here n never kept my doors locked and now I am dishing out money I dont have for security systems!! Its crazy!! So I know my family would not be safe here! my bigges problem is I just enrolled to go back to school and i work my ass off but I still cant afford to move to the country!! I am trying to figure something out but it may be a while and it really ways on my mind!! I have been stocking up on Water, food, and other basics but I feel like its going too be a waste if I dont have some where safe to go!! Sorry for whinning!!
Don't worry about it. Everyone is entitled to complain on occasion. Sounds like you need to make sure you can defend yourself and your family once you have food and water squared away. Bugging out without a location in mind is setting yourself up for disaster. Even if all you can do is get to a friend's place a couple miles outside of town, it is still better than wandering aimlessly with a target painted on your back. People think they can go live off the land and yes, some can, but most don't figure in the lack of shelter, food, and water. So sit down with pen and paper and go through everyone you know and list pros and cons about staying with them. Start there and see where that takes you.
First of all, Welcome!!
I have read all of this thread. I commend the fact you are here and willing to learn to keep yourself and family safe. With that in mind I will put in my 2 cents.....
Unless you have a place to go plan on staying where you know. If you dont you WILL become a refugee. Bugging out is not a weekend camping trip. If you go to "the country", where exactly are you going? You will be displaced like all the others running around looking for a place to go. The property owners wont let you squat when you show up. The only reason to leave your place is because you absolutely have to. Even then part of prepping is coming up with a plan as to where you will go, what you will need to get there and how you will transport it.
With that being said, ask questions! We are here to help....
First of all, Welcome!!
I have read all of this thread. I commend the fact you are here and willing to learn to keep yourself and family safe. With that in mind I will put in my 2 cents.....
Unless you have a place to go plan on staying where you know. If you dont you WILL become a refugee. Bugging out is not a weekend camping trip. If you go to "the country", where exactly are you going? You will be displaced like all the others running around looking for a place to go. The property owners wont let you squat when you show up. The only reason to leave your place is because you absolutely have to. Even then part of prepping is coming up with a plan as to where you will go, what you will need to get there and how you will transport it.
With that being said, ask questions! We are here to help....
Yeah I was saying I dont have a place but I want to relocate now by buying a home and property in the country . I will stay put if I have no where to go but I think I am going to talk with a friend of mine and my brother and see what we can come up with for a bug out location in case I have not been able o relocate yet! But thank you for your advice !! everyone is so nice on here!!
If you can get out of the place you are in now and into a new one with only one payment, go for it!
It is stressful with what's at stake. Not sure where you live but property values are way different all over. For instance I moved to Indiana with 25000 in my pocket thought I'd get a place in the country. Then I priced it and that would get me about an acre. Back home in Oklahoma I could have found a 10 acre plot for the same 25000. Other places may be even less. Just have to shop around. Take one thing at a time or you're head will explode. I will write out a list of things to do and just pick one. If I think of something else I put it on the list but finish what I started first. Helps me not get overwhelmed by trying to multitask myself insane.
It is stressful with what's at stake. Not sure where you live but property values are way different all over. For instance I moved to Indiana with 25000 in my pocket thought I'd get a place in the country. Then I priced it and that would get me about an acre. Back home in Oklahoma I could have found a 10 acre plot for the same 25000. Other places may be even less. Just have to shop around. Take one thing at a time or you're head will explode. I will write out a list of things to do and just pick one. If I think of something else I put it on the list but finish what I started first. Helps me not get overwhelmed by trying to multitask myself insane.
I am going to do just that!! Thank you very much!

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