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Lee 1965

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Feb 25, 2012
Ok nothing to say but am extremely well trained.... former military... former martial artist... ex-enforcer for major mc... and trained EMT... my cousin is a ddp just as I am so thats all....
Ok nothing to say but am extremely well trained.... former military... former martial artist... ex-enforcer for major mc... and trained EMT... my cousin is a ddp just as I am so thats all....
Hello Lee and welcome. I too am former military, I currently do martial arts. in fact I just finished a 4.5 hour belt test. I currently do counter terrorism.
Lee, welcome. It's good to have you. Something tells me that I know you. And that cousin of yours. Haha! Hey, man. If it goes down, I'm gonna be heading your way-ish. We should have some sort of rally point set up. Your folks, too. I know they're not located in the safest place on Earth, so I'd like to have that discussion with all of you. I'd like to have Unc's skills around too. I think that network could make life a lot easier on all of us. Boy...... If you're not he Lee I'm thinking you are. I'm gonna feel like a tool.
Lee, welcome. It's good to have you. Something tells me that I know you. And that cousin of yours. Haha! Hey, man. If it goes down, I'm gonna be heading your way-ish. We should have some sort of rally point set up. Your folks, too. I know they're not located in the safest place on Earth, so I'd like to have that discussion with all of you. I'd like to have Unc's skills around too. I think that network could make life a lot easier on all of us. Boy...... If you're not he Lee I'm thinking you are. I'm gonna feel like a tool.
Agreed lets do some planning...

I would like to try an east meets west sometime. Lord knows where we would meet, but I think it would be interesting to see how long it would take, as I would assume we might travel as if an actual incident of some type made public transpo or air travel impossible.
Have waypoints in WV GA NC AND ND so far I figure though that dense pop areas will be the worst hit and fought for as far as transport... I personally prefet a couple sturdy horses as fuel shall be a premium and horses are quiter than any engine... Have supply stashes in various areas nothing for long term support but enough to reup
I agree. I am in one of those densely populated areas, Los Angeles, I know it will be a bitch getting out of l.a., but as a former cross country truck driver i am sure i can make my way across the country... sure glad i kept my old fasioned GPS... a.k.a. a Map!
I do need to bone up on my med supplies, as well as training. I am a little rusty these days.
I do have the trusty compass.
I think having a "Caveman" mindset is almost imperative. Supplies are good, but I think being able to get by off of the land is the best. Hunting, farming, gathering water, etc. Knowing what plants to eat and what can be used for medical uses and others. Certain things that are high in salicylic acid, etc. Edible vegetation and what have you. Basic and advanced medical knowledge. My wife has some medical training. She is a Certified Medical Assistant and is constantly working to expand her wealth of knowledge as far as trauma medical info. I read that bleeding is the #1 thing people need to know about. Be it from a gunshot, stab wound, compound fracture, whatever. The worst thing is bleeding. It can send you in to shock and of course you can bleed out. I like the "Portable Hospital" in Cheaper Than Dirt. Far from cheap, but what quality medical attention is cheap? None worth getting, IMO. I think it's a good start to a quality medical pack. I think this is one of the few things I think is better packed than managed as you go. I think A,B,C,D, and so on are necessary for medical equipment. I like having backup plans to my backup plans!

Navigation is an invaluable skill, IMO. A GPS may be nice, but having at least a couple maps and compasses are MANDATORY for Alabaster and company. Boy, I feel for those who can't read one or navigate without an electronic GPS.

An east meets west campin' trip would be invaluable, I think. The networking, fellowship, and info sharing can't be quantified.
I hear what your saying cousin but also include EGDs (emergency gathering drills) with a preset timed limit.... this gives you an idea on what you can put together and bug out without having to preplan and think out in advance... cause I figure your advanced warning isn't going to be to lengthy... lets you know what weaknesses you have to rectify prior to onset of a real situation... I like to drop an EGD at the strangest of times... ie driving home... middle of the night etcetera ... just a thought.. I have a friend call me to ...
when shtf, i wouldnt brodcast your medical training to alot of people, ive heard of situations where medical ppl were kidnaped and such, if you think what a person might do to save their child/family member with no hopes of medical stability, thoughts are endless.
when shtf, i wouldnt brodcast your medical training to alot of people, ive heard of situations where medical ppl were kidnaped and such, if you think what a person might do to save their child/family member with no hopes of medical stability, thoughts are endless.
very true. There are many things in my personal life/arsenal that i keep private. Like you said when desperation sets in there is no telling how far people will go to get what they want.

Humans are the only species on the planet hellbent on destroying themselves.
not including the praying mantis and black widow? lol j/k they dont commit mass murder on a dayly basis.
not including the praying mantis and black widow? lol j/k they dont commit mass murder on a dayly basis.
yeah, they are just man-haters
Haha! Manhaters. Yall are funny, indeed. I agree with keeping your cards close to your vest. I think I may have a little more faith in humanity than I should. I think that if things get ugly, I'm hoping to bump into like-minded folks that will be more concerned with doing the right thing than getting over on someone. That's gotten me in trouble more than once though. I will heed that advice and be more weary of what/who I share with.
i think im in the same boat there! i tend to trust people when met at a personal level more than i probably should. thats probably how im going to get backstabbed and my survival gear robbed rofl
Haha! Manhaters. Yall are funny, indeed. I agree with keeping your cards close to your vest. I think I may have a little more faith in humanity than I should. I think that if things get ugly, I'm hoping to bump into like-minded folks that will be more concerned with doing the right thing than getting over on someone. That's gotten me in trouble more than once though. I will heed that advice and be more weary of what/who I share with.
i think im in the same boat there! i tend to trust people when met at a personal level more than i probably should. thats probably how im going to get backstabbed and my survival gear robbed rofl
I think I am the polar opposite. I used to be extremely trusting and would often get taken advantage of or just plain old F'ed over!
Now I don't trust too many right off the bat.
i usually try and give people the benefit of the doubt, and trust until untrustworthy. problem is that untrustworthy part hits more often than not. I'm gonna have to change that up when shtf lol
i usually try and give people the benefit of the doubt, and trust until untrustworthy. problem is that untrustworthy part hits more often than not. im gonna have to change that up when shtf lol
I figure we will definitely know who our true friends are when everything goes south.
I know of family members that i wouldn't trust.
Well most who know me also know that I will not go without a fight... that being said, I already know I have a bullseye on me... they always attack infrastructure from leaders down... but I accept this risk... I have enough ppl close to me... like my cousin who will cover my 6
Well most who know me also know that I will not go without a fight... that being said, I already know I have a bullseye on me... they always attack infrastructure from leaders down... but I accept this risk... I have enough ppl close to me... like my cousin who will cover my 6
hmmmmm....... sounds to me you occupy a lofty position.
I myself I look to get in to my local city government in an attempt to make some change.
For one to get my city off of an anti gun list started by a NY mayor.

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