Hey there! im new to this but have wanted to do it for a long time.

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jen and her dobermans

Jul 6, 2013
Well I am not to sure what to say really. I don't want to bore the masses with too much about myself. I am a 23 year old woman from Scotland. I live in an urban area but close to hills and forests. I have always been interested in the news behind the news and have always known we live a very cushioned lifestyle in comparison to a lot of other countries. And I must say it worries me to no extent the loss we would suffer if even one of the ''conspiracies'' I have read about were to happen.
Me and my partner Graham have been chatting recently about possibly getting started with ''prepping''. He isn't as convinced as I am at the risks of things such as Marshall law, ''FEMA'' camps and the like. but if he asks, I am happy to inform. I of course have seen shows recently on prepping and I feel its in my blood to be able to survive such social unrest. So I am here. To see where to begin. - Jen
Haha thanks Hunter. I will appreciate any help given. Thanks for being so welcoming. How long have you guys been prepping? I'm pretty much trying to get essentials together first. And read up about first aid, etc. basics first. I'm really a newbie :p
I was prepping my whole life , just didn't know it. I never liked the feeling of being dependant on fourteen million operations that have to work in unison for everything to come out right. I believed in the principle of keep it simple. I later realized I was a prepper.glad to meet you and have you with us.
You know Bill. I think you may have just explained me as well. Although I have not really had the money to do it properly me and Graham have recently opened our own business and I said I think now is the time to start. He is supportive of my need to do it, its just a feeling in my gut, you know? I have always felt even though I may not have the funds to prepare, knowledge is free. So for the past 2 years iv read and read just to try to be ahead of mainstream media. But latest information has got the ball rolling. I CANT let my family die because I followed the 'sheep'.
Great... just being aware that things don't remain as they were is enlightening knowledge. Most people want to convince themselves tomorrow will be just like today. If one looks at history we see that things are constantly changing. We just want to find ourselves ahead of the future. If I only had a copy of tommorows newspaper today. I'd be a wealthy man....but there are patterns of behaivior in history that is indicative of conditions before and after a situation comes to pass. Its easy to see how predictable we are as humans. EVERYONE.
Wise. Very wise. If only I had more people surrounding me with that same thought pattern. I feel a heavy Burdon on me, watching people wade through life with a conscious trust for the ''keepers'' of our countries. All the while being so caught up in what was, rather than what is. what IS is very scary indeed. But on the brighter side I may have done what I was meant to, by visiting this website.
See, I don't know what the ''rules'' are here. Haha. I don't want to ask in too much depth about your ways and your methods. don't want to offend anyone. Haha very ageist there, I am a 23 year old woman, come on. Haha. at least I would have the element of surprise when I show an intruder my new cage fighting skills. New to that also...pathetic. Haha
See, I don't know what the ''rules'' are here. Haha. I don't want to ask in too much depth about your ways and your methods. don't want to offend anyone. Haha very ageist there, I am a 23 year old woman, come on. Haha. at least I would have the element of surprise when I show an intruder my new cage fighting skills. New to that also...pathetic. Haha

Not really any "rules"to prepping, and ask away. The only silly question, is the question that is never asked.

People are usually happy to share info about his/her prepping. If they dont want to tell you something, they wont. But don't be offended by any means.

My wife likes the idea of what im doing, but does not really get too involved in what i do. She knows that her and the kids is the reason i do what i do.

If there is anything you want to ask, please feel free to. Happy to answer, or to help you find the answer. I also have a "prepping"FB page. If you want to look it up, theres always articles, updates and the likes going on :)
Your family are very lucky. I have a hard time even getting to explain my worries to my family. And thanks for the tips. I wont be worried about asking now. :) So you must have to be very prepared, living in such a hot country. same to Bill and Jim. I would love to visit Australia AND America. But it scares me to think if I were in either country and an economic collapse happened how id handle it. I am used to cold wet weather. And not at all used to guns being so freely available. And sometimes its not a good thing. I think id be better with knifes etc. But sometimes I wish I could just to target shooting over here. My family have farms and Guns, but im sure the police here would rade farmers first if anything were to happen.
Haha. really. I want to know your views. am I wrong on what I am saying? I am really not sure. Haha. I know the gun control laws have really pissed ALOT of people off. Tell me what I shouldn't say. I trust your opinion.
Haha. really. I want to know your views. am I wrong on what I am saying? I am really not sure. Haha. I know the gun control laws have really pissed ALOT of people off. Tell me what I shouldn't say. I trust your opinion.

Never doubt yourself :)

Gun laws, Control and Legislation here in AU is quite different to the rest on the world. We are very strict here on ownership and licensing.
Thanks you guys All of you for being so welcoming. I am very honoured to be a part of a great global team. And hopefully I can be an asset to you all. I am off to try to sleep. And I will update on what I do tomorrow morning. You will probably all be asleep! but no doubt I will be up again to chat later on. Thanks again. Graham also says hey and bye! stay safe everybody!
Jen ...pretty much the rules are like this. This is a family friendly site. Keep it clean. Try to be courtious to others even if you disagree. Don't join the forum just to try to gain free advertising for your company. ( we will hunt you down and gut shoot your grandmaw for that).. you can purchase advertising space quite reasonably if you contact the administration. And you have to be a serious prep per that takes your hat off and covers your heart at the mention of my name. That's my understanding of the rules as I wrote em but, contact Clyde about any serious questions, you can tell probably, I don't know crap. Have fun and make it happen.
not at all used to guns being so freely available. And sometimes its not a good thing.
Don't be afraid of the guns...guns aren't the problem.

Sorry. People being afraid of guns is a sore spot with me...I have an ongoing quarrel with my sister because of her insistence that guns are bad...remember, guns aren't bad or dangerous...it is the person HOLDING the gun...We've had a few issues here in the US where LUNATICS killed many people but it wasn't the GUN's fault. The lunatic pulling the trigger is to blame...so fear not guns. Guns are just another tool.
Thanks Bill. I will respect your advise. And i really do want to learn how to stay as safe as possible should any of our worries come to life. I have it in my blood to fight for freedom. Always will.
We've had a few issues here in the US where LUNATICS killed many people but it wasn't the GUN's fault. The lunatic pulling the trigger is to blame.

Exactly why Aust has such strict rules regarding licensing and ownership.

We lost our right to Semi-auto firearms back in 96'when there was a mass shooting.
Don't be afraid of the guns...guns aren't the problem.

I am with you all the way on that belief. Here in Britain its very hard to get guns. But not impossible. I do think knowledge is key. And I also know that responsible owners of guns is never a bad thing. like you say, its the lunatics I worry about. There is of course a huge culture difference between Britain and America. but I think the overall belief is the same. I have the same out look at my dogs. A lot of people are afraid of my dogs as they have a bad rep. But its the bad owners who are the issue. Anything is lethal if an uneducated lunatic is controlling it. you know? But I have the up most respect for you. Its in your constitution. end of.
Well. Guns are bad . The new law I'm pushing for says I'm the only one who is allowed to have them. Sound familiar....should.Always be Leary of any suggestion that says you are not qualified, but I am. There's always a motive when I try to sell you on the idea I'm an elitist...trust me. That should always be read...I'm fixing to put the screws to you.
Welcome Jen and her Dobermans. I am a dog lover too. I currently have four (have had 2 that have passed this last year. . 1 golden retriever at age 14 due to a couple strokes and 1 mutt/hound at 13 due to cancer). Honestly, I am just an animal lover in all. This is a great site to learn from and there is a lot of great people here. Hoping you can learn from us as we can from you. Ask any questions you want and I am sure that someone can give you an answer.
I feel for you Dani. I have always been an animal lover. I have owned Dobermans my whole life. they are my best asset. I have a bond with them. They would be the first to defend me. I also had a Siamese called Bailey..He died last year of cancer as well. at 13. it was utterly heart breaking. But I believe they are all in my life for a reason. And they leave for a reason as well. Well Dani I will be sure to chat more to you tomorrow. Not sure where you are from. But its now 03.44am here in Scotland and im done for Haha. thanks for the welcome :)
Welcome to the forum Jen,Graham and the dobes.The very first step towards being prepared is being aware and by the sounds of this conversation,you've already done that.You'll find great company and alot of knowledgable folks that will be more than willing to help get started,don't hesitate to ask a question,theres tons of expertise on most all levels and areas of readiness here.
Welcome to the forum Jen, I see that you have already met a few of us. AS you can tell, we are a friendly bunch. You won't find talk about looting, stealing from the less fortunate, or cannabilism here, if you do happen to see it, let one of us know. We'll be on them like white on rice. We don't put up with rubbish like that.

Don't try to change the minds of those around you if they aren't inclined. By continuously talking to them, it will stick in their mind and when the world goes to hell, they'll remember who to go to because you have food and a means of living.
Well I am not to sure what to say really. I don't want to bore the masses with too much about myself. I am a 23 year old woman from Scotland. I live in an urban area but close to hills and forests. I have always been interested in the news behind the news and have always known we live a very cushioned lifestyle in comparison to a lot of other countries. And I must say it worries me to no extent the loss we would suffer if even one of the ''conspiracies'' I have read about were to happen.
Me and my partner Graham have been chatting recently about possibly getting started with ''prepping''. He isn't as convinced as I am at the risks of things such as Marshall law, ''FEMA'' camps and the like. but if he asks, I am happy to inform. I of course have seen shows recently on prepping and I feel its in my blood to be able to survive such social unrest. So I am here. To see where to begin. - Jen
Welcome and thank you for taking time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Your presence here is much appreciated. We look forward to your posts, and hope you enjoy the community!

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the proper area, and I know you will get an answer, as he members on here are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help!

Thank you again for taking the time to join Doomsday Prepper Forums.com!

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