Hello, my name is Andrew Maddalena

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andrew maddalena

New Friend
Feb 25, 2012
Hoodbridge Va
I am 24 years old and i know we are living in the end times, but I am interested in surviving any situation I can help. But I realize if its my time to go, there will be nothing I can do to stop it. I love being outdoors, hunting ,hiking and biking. Fishing is okay, but i find it particulary boring personally.
Bwwaaaaaahahahahaha!!!! The fishing comment made me laugh. I agree, but it's a good skill, none the less. I'm going to organize a primitive camping trip if you're interested get a hold of me.
I am 24 years old and i know we are living in the end times, but I am interested in surviving any situation I can help. But I realize if its my time to go, there will be nothing I can do to stop it. I love being outdoors, hunting ,hiking and biking. Fishing is okay, but i find it particulary boring personally.
Andrew, Welcome to Doomsday Prepper Forums.com. Thank you for taking the time to join the site. As far as fishing goes, yes it can be a bit boring, but it is a great excuse to do nothing!
Welcome Andrew! You will learn a lot from these intelligent people on this forum. Thank you for being willing to help too. I think the mindset to team play is vital.
Welcome Andrew! You will learn a lot from these intelligent people on this forum. Thank you for being willing to help too. I think the mindset to team play is vital.
I agree. There is strength in numbers. Just have to make sure your "numbers are trustworthy." Nothing worse than having to battle your own crew when the world goes to hell in a hand basket.

This country is already headed there. 4 more years of obama and we will really be up a creak!
There was a really good feeling when I discovered this forum which is why I encourage the new people to be welcomed here. Yes, Clydesdale, one sure has to be alert at all times with the wolves in sheep clothing like our current man in charge of this country.
There was a really good feeling when I discovered this forum which is why I encourage the new people to be welcomed here. Yes, Clydesdale, one sure has to be alert at all times with the wolves in sheep clothing like our current man in charge of this country.
I am still scratching my head as to how being a "community leader" qualifies someone for being president.
I can confess the man in office grabbed me with his charisma at first. There are some who never saw deeper. I was fortunate enough to say I did research and came to my senses and did not vote for him. Some people still are taken in with his ways of appeal. We will hope more have learned after these painful years to make a change!
I can confess the man in office grabbed me with his charisma at first. There are some who never saw deeper. I was fortunate enough to say I did research and came to my senses and did not vote for him. Some people still are taken in with his ways of appeal. We will hope more have learned after these painful years to make a change!
regretfully many vote for him merely for the color of his skin. I know there are many who didn't vote for him for the same reason. Neither is any better than the other. I hope that many who did vote for him will not "drink the kool-aid" .... and repeat their mistake
Yes, proving we are not racist meant to vote for a black man. Many interviews have been held with people saying they did vote for him because he was a brother. That to me is just as silly as me voting for a candidate just because she is a woman and so am I. I do hope we get him out and make him a one term man in the office. I am actively working toward that.
Yes, proving we are not racist meant to vote for a black man. Many interviews have been held with people saying they did vote for him because he was a brother. That to me is just as silly as me voting for a candidate just because she is a woman and so am I. I do hope we get him out and make him a one term man in the office. I am actively working toward that.
What irritated me to the core was palosi and others saying you're a racist if you disagree with or dislike obama
Well Pelosi and other Democrats have to keep him in office so that is the only way to do that now. The man sure has no good actions to get him re-elected. He has only done this country some awful deeds. He is following a horror journey with his dealings with almost everything he does. Now people will be racist if he does not get re-elected follows the radical mindset of Pelosi.
She [palosi] never ceases to amaze me. Freedom of thought is what "They" all preach. As long as you think the same way as they do!
She [palosi] never ceases to amaze me. Freedom of thought is what "They" all preach. As long as you think the same way as they do!
If you do not walk lock-step with the liberals then you are concidered a racist, hate monger.
ok im just gonna say it, i agree with carlos mancia, he looks like curious george! but what i believe is it doesnt matter whos in office their just a front man to dictate what others want and have him do, personally if you want black id rather a thug gang banger in office that would be more real to me than a brown nosen do what they tell ya read what they wrote white guy anyday, hell at least the 2nd admendmet would be upheld lol
ok im just gonna say it, i agree with carlos mancia, he looks like curious george! but what i believe is it doesnt matter whos in office their just a front man to dictate what others want and have him do, personally if you want black id rather a thug gang banger in office that would be more real to me than a brown nosen do what they tell ya read what they wrote white guy anyday, hell at least the 2nd admendmet would be upheld lol
I believe most Presidents are puppets for the elite rich and power players, who allow each President to have a couple of personal victories just to keep them happy and make it look like they really are in charge.
FDR was a good role model for em all. He did plenty against popular opinion, just because he "Knew best."
i agree, however, ive seen proof of the conspricy theory between him n pear harbor, but i do believe he was one of the last great presidents, most after that it seems, are more concerned in political warfare than getting the job done.
i agree, however, ive seen proof of the conspricy theory between him n pear harbor, but i do believe he was one of the last great presidents, most after that it seems, are more concerned in political warfare than getting the job done.
The last good president this country has seen in the last nearly 100 years is Ronald Reagan!
We need more like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison.
She [palosi] never ceases to amaze me. Freedom of thought is what "They" all preach. As long as you think the same way as they do!
Have you seen Palosi's latest attack on the first amendment? You might have to seek out the information because mainstream media might not be relaying that data. May I suggest Infowars.com?
Have you seen Palosi's latest attack on the first amendment? You might have to seek out the information because mainstream media might not be relaying that data. May I suggest Infowars.com?
No I haven't I will have to search that out and see what I can find. I doesn't surprise me though. The left is very much against the Constitution.