Hello from Fort LaDiDa (Lauderdale)

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New Friend
Jan 2, 2017
Hey Y'all,

Bob from Fort Lauderdale, Florida here. Just wanted to stick my neck out and say hi! Been prepping for a pretty short time, probably shorter than most of you, but think I have gotten a pretty good start. Also come equipped with some skills that should come in handy when the time comes. Been an avid outdoorsman my whole life, I live to hunt and fish, also have been an avid firearms collector for the better part of 20 years. Amateur cook, amateur woodworker, pretty o.k. at both. Electronics (sound and radio equipment) technician by day (33 years experience). I am a ham operator, technician's license, but don't want my call-sign known until I get to know everyone a bit better (sorry admins). Starting to feel like my beloved country is going to hell in a Caddilac, faster every day, and I ain't liking it! Which, brings me here.....So, that's it for now. Thanks!
Hello from South Africa.

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Welcome to the fray.....You landed in the right place.
Welcome. There's a good group of people here to learn with. I escaped Florida about 11 yrs ago, but still kind of think of it as home. No better place for weather anywhere in the world.
With the seas rising maybe you can use the woodworking for boat building!
howdy from a Texan .... and welcome to the forum and family...there's quite a few knowledgeable folks here that'll gladly tell ya what you need to know,or at least point ya in the right direction and/or give ya a good idea or 2..and by all means jump right on in with any replies you have on a topic.and start new topics if/when needed...
Welcome to the group. Lots of knowledge here, glad you'll b able to add to it.
I have been in every state and lived in J-ville Fla. for 21 years,,,and just had to get away,,,,,,

welcome from Arkansas

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