Happy Thanksgiving

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Look out, you turkeys....
I was just reading about the huge increase for the food banks all across the country. It really made me aware of how much I have to be thankful for just not facing hunger this year. No one knows what the future will hold for any of us, so if able to, try to help out someone not as well off as you are this holiday.
DD I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving too along with the rest of my DPF forum! With everything going on in our country and world, tomorrow I am just wanting to settle down with family and spend a nice day with them relaxing. I spent most of my day precooking and only have a few items left to cook for tomorrow. Life is so very good! Wont have to go back to work till Friday.
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving. Lets give thanks that we have a President that works hard everyday with an amazing energy to keep us free. So, we may determine our future. Its not about Tyrants that want to control us in there fantasy utopia.

It’s about the reality that all men and women are made in the image of God, with certain inherent, God-given rights just by virtue of our humanity. These truths in the Declaration really are indeed self-evident.

May God bless us and deliver us from Evil!
I hope everyone is able to go to bed with a full belly and optimism of 2021 being a better year.
thousands of turkeys over destined for the christmas table have had to be slaughtered because they caught bird flu.

Thousands of turkeys culled after North Yorkshire bird flu outbreak
No disruption to Christmas supplies expected after outbreak at Northallerton site

"And now you know the rest of the story"
Happy Thanksgiving all you DPF people :)

What's everyone doing?
I make dinner every year, have gotten lucky with the last 3 years I haven't had to work.
This year, my stepson and his wife, plus their two kids are coming. My younger stepson and his girlfriend are coming, my parents, my daughter and her boyfriend, and hubby and I. My son is in Hawaii with his dad.
Usually we also spend the day with my sister and brother in law (hubbys younger sis), but they are at their son's house in MT, visiting their grandbabies.
Ever since my mom got too old to host the extended family, my middle sister has been host. The extended family has grown exponentially since then, but not everyone comes every time. Probably thirty some odd people will be there. My wife will make dressing.