Fishing Yo-Yo's

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Nov 12, 2012
Ok this wont be for everyone and it's probably more for the ones who are bugging out but either way check this out. It's a fishing yo yo, they are cheap and amazing. Basically you hang it from a tree, drop the line in (with weights, hook, and bait obviously) the water, a fish bites, and boom you have dinner. This is a great little item i have three and im not really a fish loving guy but in a DD type scenario your gonna need something that will provide you some protein but you cant waste alot to get that protein, this is the solution. Especially if your bugging out and moving somewhere. Heres a pic of mine and the place i got it. Also check out the website, it's pretty cool, same place i got my throwing knives which i love and will talk about some other time in the edged weapons forum.


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I don't have a picture, but we use nylon cord, treble hooks, and a couple of heavy sinkers. You tie short lengths of cord onto one long piece and rig the treble hooks up to the other ends of the short cords. The sinkers are tied to the bottom of the long cord the thing is tied to a tree limb that hangs out over the water. Not sure if that makes sense how I wrote it or not. But it's really simple and legal to use around here as long as your name and address is attached to it somewhere if you are using public waterways. I use these to catch catfish with funky hotdogs as bait.
I don't have a picture, but we use nylon cord, treble hooks, and a couple of heavy sinkers. You tie short lengths of cord onto one long piece and rig the treble hooks up to the other ends of the short cords. The sinkers are tied to the bottom of the long cord the thing is tied to a tree limb that hangs out over the water. Not sure if that makes sense how I wrote it or not. But it's really simple and legal to use around here as long as your name and address is attached to it somewhere if you are using public waterways. I use these to catch catfish with funky hotdogs as bait.
Nice, prefect since. I like it cause you can leave it !
Yes, exactly. We'll put our lines out late afternoon/early evening and check them 12-24 hours later.
That's awesome, you can do so much other stuff while the fishing is being handled. food gathering/ hunting/ camp chores. Thanks for that info, That little gem is filed in the memory bank.
I just bought a set of 3 yoyo fishing reels for 1o.oo free shipping. I thought it was a great deal on ebay. This will be part of my bug out bag
I also purchased some of these off ebay and they work great for fishing, but they can also be used in small snare application.
if you have 2 knives and you lose one you still have one, if you have one knife and it's lost well you know the rest.