EMP protection

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Aug 15, 2020
Sorry if this has already been asked but is there a way to protect things like a quad bike and generator from an EMP. Would keeping them in a shipping container be enough as it’s a big metal box. I’ve seen devices on the internet to protect vehicles and generators but they’re nearly $400 each. Modern Diesel engines are a pain with their highly complex common rail engines with masses of electronics.
We've had this discussion, just search for 'faraday cage' to find multiple past discussions.

I've actually read the mil spec standard for EMP shielded rooms. Nothing you can make cheaply will give you sufficient shielding. Microwave oven, metal barrel, conex, steel trash can. Those are a waste of your time. My advise... if you are serious. Weld a 1/8" steel box together, you need to basically X-ray it to ensure solid welds. Add a top-hat, so you can torch cut it open later and not cook everything inside (double shielding). That's my advise. But, you do you.
This is my emp question. Don’t really know how to ask it so I haven’t been able to search effectively for an answer.
Assuming high altitude nuclear burst, what is the anticipated pulse magnitude, duration and frequency range? By magnitude, I guess I mean dB level reduction needed to protect gear for the length/time of the pulse(s) across the emp spectrum. I’ve read emp goes 100mhz-1thz but I don’t know. Are all the pulse frequencies expected to be at the same level? I know a simple popcorn tin is sufficient to block a 6kw fm radio station until I’m within 50 yards of the transmitter. Gotta be pretty high up on the dB meter. Outside the tin the radio station is readable 60+ miles away. The tin blocks cell signals and 2.4ghz WiFi (milliwatts) directly next to the router.
If you’re a decent mechanic, could you get a less complex older model, disconnect electrical components and store the smaller parts. Means you get to use the newer one but have a back up?
The only things that should be affected during an emp are the electronics in the ignition system on most vehicles. Your older rotary style ignition systems should not be affected anyway, because they are mechanical, not electronic. Therefore, If you could get a carbeurated engine with either stator ignition, which is similar to what is used on small engines, or one of a style like that which was used on most older cap and rotor button or points style setups you shouldnt have to worry about it anyways. So like on a quad, look for an older model that doesnt utilize modern fuel injection and ignition systems.

For passenger vehicles (your everyday car/truck) they started using computerized systems either later 70s or sometime in the 80s from what i remember. Quads and dirtbikes took much longer for the technology to catch up. I would imagine at least partly due to their sensitivity to water dust and mud, etc. Most times you can tell what ignition system it has by seeing where the spark plug wire goes back to. If it leads to and goes back behind a cover for instance, You can safely assume that its some sort of stator ignition
This is my emp question. Don’t really know how to ask it so I haven’t been able to search effectively for an answer.
Assuming high altitude nuclear burst, what is the anticipated pulse magnitude, duration and frequency range? By magnitude, I guess I mean dB level reduction needed to protect gear for the length/time of the pulse(s) across the emp spectrum. I’ve read emp goes 100mhz-1thz but I don’t know. Are all the pulse frequencies expected to be at the same level? I know a simple popcorn tin is sufficient to block a 6kw fm radio station until I’m within 50 yards of the transmitter. Gotta be pretty high up on the dB meter. Outside the tin the radio station is readable 60+ miles away. The tin blocks cell signals and 2.4ghz WiFi (milliwatts) directly next to the router.

It's not that simple. An EMP has 3 phases or stages. The first is the ultra high frequency, and is 'done' in 100 nanoseconds (from memory). This is what will kill all modern electronics and can penetrate nearly anything. The second phase is similar to ESD (walk on carpet on a dry day & touch a door knob). 99.9% of equipment will not be damaged. The third stage is the ultra low frequency that will take out everything plugged into the power grid. Massive current and voltages. It can bounce around for hours or days. But it requires long 'antennas' (power grid!).

I don't think it's as simple as a dB level across frequency. One problem is that the only two EMP experiments were done 60 years ago, and they didn't have the ability to measure the frequency spectrum back then. (again from memory) I think the Mil Spec calls for 100 or 120 dB attenuation. I think the upper limit is 7 or 10 GHz, but again I'd need to re-read it to verify that. (it was 5 or 10 years ago when I studied the mil spec) But reading the mil spec, it seems like it was written to what shielded room manufacturers were able to manufacture back when written.
maybe I am just wishing here but if a nuke of any kind is launched at us we will do the same,,,both countrys in the dark for an unknown period of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we are now back in the stone age I don't think anyone really wants that so why would any country start tossing nukes around

yes I worry about nukes being dropped but I believe we are in more danger from some ******* losing it and starting to shoot anyone who moves
A cave with a stream sounds like a great place to fall back on. Having an old car would be useful although would only be good from A to B as using it all the time would make you a target. Unless you want to go all out and build faraday cages, there’s not a lot to do. Cb radios in the microwave? I do worry about this stuff but don’t have a wind turbine or buried solar panels so would just try to live without. I’m sure this has been discussed elsewhere so will stop now. One last thing... bikes would be a leg saver and horses would make a comeback.
if I was going to try and prep for it I would want under ground storage with 10 feet of soil above it,,or a really deep cave

NORAD Cheyanne Mountain complex is under 100s of feet of solid rock - when they moved everything bottomside again the entire older electronics system was updated >>> the modern EMP attack would have fried the 1990s stuff ....

earth is not an EMP barrier - neither is the ocean >>> the very first nuke blast in 1945 New Mexico was the EMP intro and blew up electrical gear all over the SW ...
maybe I am just wishing here but if a nuke of any kind is launched at us we will do the same,,,both countrys in the dark for an unknown period of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we are now back in the stone age I don't think anyone really wants that so why would any country start tossing nukes around
yes I worry about nukes being dropped but I believe we are in more danger from some ******* losing it and starting to shoot anyone who moves

Here, taking out modern electronics & networks would likely kill 90% of Americans within a year. Some countries/places, like China/Afghanistan, half the nation don't use or need anything that an EMP would destroy. They live like 1850 wild west days. Sure, many might have a phone, and maybe electricity, but it's not critical to their livelihood. And some are perfectly happy to destroy their own lives if they could destroy the USA first.
I'm stepping up my prepps in regards to EMP due to some recent Intel. Mostly in preparing the equipment and tools I will need that does not need electricity.

Can you share the intel Rellgar?
My sis recently got her hands on some manual farming equipment. Do you have anything like that? Cause now I’m really feeling the need for it! Our dogs could pull a plow and disc with the right harnessing. Speaking of harnesses, has anyone worked with leather to make those?
Can you share the intel Rellgar?
My sis recently got her hands on some manual farming equipment. Do you have anything like that? Cause now I’m really feeling the need for it! Our dogs could pull a plow and disc with the right harnessing. Speaking of harnesses, has anyone worked with leather to make those?
I looked for leather harness and was directed to an S&M website 😬 might fit the pooches though
Can you share the intel Rellgar?
My sis recently got her hands on some manual farming equipment. Do you have anything like that? Cause now I’m really feeling the need for it! Our dogs could pull a plow and disc with the right harnessing. Speaking of harnesses, has anyone worked with leather to make those?

My Intel is verbal only. Most people think no one will attack the US with an EMP because we will retaliate with nukes. This is not true if a Democrat is in office, my sources tell me it would have already happened if Hillery had won. The democrats planned to create the crises to take full and permenant control of the US and then the world.

There will be a Super EMP detonated over central US or several. It will be our own weapon design, "stolen" by the chicoms, which it was, but built by Russia and detonated by a 3rd party.
The Democrat POTUS will not release the nuke codes, so no nukes.

The Demon POTUS will then take prearranged measures to have the UN as the supreme ruling body of the world and with the sympathies of the other nations the Demon POTUS will be elected as UN President. Its my belief that something like this is highly likely to occur in the next time we have a Democrat POTUS.

The powers behind the democrat party are Evil. For all of the democrats, the ends justify the means.