Debt, Collapse, Gold and Cash

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Awesome Friend
Jun 29, 2021
Some time back I was pondering how the governments of the world would institute a cashless society. As we all know the populace in general has been well prepared for this and I would 'assume' the majority would not kick-back against it. But what about the holdouts? What about the 10 or 20% that do push back? The idea that governments steamroller over everything is not the case at all, they really do need the consent of the governed in most cases.

liberty gopld.jpg

One day I was going over the 1933 act that withdrew gold coinage as the nation's currency and came to believe that it would have been nearly impossible to pass that action in any other context than a national disaster, as the depths of the depression in 1933 was. The bank failures, the unemployment, all that turned the people's eyes to the government for salvation. And so gold was withdrawn, and things didn't get better.

Actually the idea that ALL gold was confiscated is false. Citizens were allowed to retain up to 10 ounces, and numismatic coins as well. This was a bone thrown to the die-hard holdouts no doubt, a loophole, a pressure valve to appease, but the die was set and gold was never again to be used as daily currency. this paved the way for big government spending increases, for a big shift of power to the federal government who through the Fed had access to vast amounts of created money.

Now we face a similar transition and I think it's quite possible that the same tried and true method of allowing the economy to collapse into a similar state as was in 1933 will be the method used to get all the holdouts to hand in their "hoards" of cash in exchange for digital entries. Time will tell I guess, but from where I sit we are well on the way to such a collapse of the economy. All it will take if the rug being pulled on the stock market and housing markets and the majority of people, who are of course heavily invested there, will lose all hope.
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Some time back I was pondering how the governments of the world would institute a cashless society. As we all know the populace in general has been well prepared for this and I would 'assume' the majority would not kick-back against it. But what about the holdouts? What about the 10 or 20% that do push back? The idea that governments steamroller over everything is not the case at all, they really do need the consent of the governed in most cases.

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One day I was going over the 1933 act that withdrew gold coinage as the nation's currency and came to believe that it would have been nearly impossible to pass that action in any other context than a national disaster, as the depths of the depression in 1933 was. The bank failures, the unemployment, all that turned the people's eyes to the government for salvation. And so gold was withdrawn, and things didn't get better.

Actually the idea that ALL gold was confiscated is false. Citizens were allowed to retain up to 10 ounces, and numismatic coins as well. This was a bone thrown to the die-hard holdouts no doubt, a loophole, a pressure valve to appease, but the die was set and gold was never again to be used as daily currency. this paved the way for big government spending increases, for a big shift of power to the federal government who through the Fed had access to vast amounts of created money.

Now we face a similar transition and I think it's quite possible that the same tried and true method of allowing the economy to collapse into a similar state as was in 1933 will be the method used to get all the holdouts to hand in their "hoards" of cash in exchange for digital entries. Time will tell I guess, but from where I sit we are well on the way to such a collapse of the economy. All it will take if the rug being pulled on the stock market and housing markets and the majority of people, who are of course heavily invested there, will lose all hope.
The new world order has been in preparation for quite a time. I think the game was over in 1913 when President Wilson allowed the federal reserve to come into being a private banking entity. As to the gold. Yes President Roosevelt done the deed in the 30’s. from memory under threat of a jail term if the American people did not give up their gold.
The new world order has been in preparation for quite a time. I think the game was over in 1913 when President Wilson allowed the federal reserve to come into being a private banking entity. As to the gold. Yes President Roosevelt done the deed in the 30’s. from memory under threat of a jail term if the American people did not give up their gold.
Most people did not give up their gold. Many people buried it. My family never turned in their gold..
The New World Order will demand that all citizen-slaves get a barcode stamped on their foreheads....


As Dr. Naomi Wolf points out over and over (on War Room) they are building this function into the Covid 19 Passport they are intending to force down our throats. It will have lots of other tracking and identification information as well as your credit and Social Credit score. It is happening to the Europeans as we speak. We need to hold out until 2022 in the USA.
It is happening to the Europeans as we speak. We need to hold out until 2022 in the USA.
This coming Friday, the state of QLD in Oz has made it mandatory to present a cellphone to validate a covid tracing app when entering supermarkets, gyms, anywhere basically. You hold the phone up and it scans a card just inside the door and registers you on the statewide system as having been there. There are workarounds, a paper log you can fill out if you don't have a phone, I was also tossing up the idea of having my screensaver as a grab of the confirmation screen. Then if someone is looking over my shoulder they will see the confirmation. I don't and won't have the app.

We can see where this is all heading though, constant tracking of all consumers nationwide. A big downside is that if someone was in that store when you were there, and gets diagnosed as positive, you get a door knock and are told to "Shelter in place" for 2 weeks. Thousands here have been locked down that way, and there is zero accountability. Very Orwellian.
The game does continue. A little cluster here a little cluster there shared between the states it only takes 5-20 people and we are back in the mask or lockdown mode for a few wks right away. Yes the app did send a shiver down my spine of future society where we won’t be able to gain entry and shop without such things. thankfully we are still able to sign in on the paper log for legal reasons they can’t get around yet. But yes you can see what may come next.
Why are you Australians just doing what you're told. even though you know it's wrong?
Because there is only a small percentage who actually know it's wrong, that's why. Also we are all relatively rich down here, even the unemployed get $1300 a month, and if you have scammed onto a disability pension, which a large proportion of welfare recipients have, you get $2400 a month. Everyone is fat and happy so to speak and doesn't want to rock the boat.

Look at the US, the whole nation is divided left and right, half the people hold one set of beliefs and half the opposite. It's like the Catholics and the protestants. How did that happen? How did a nation of free thinking people allow themselves to be so divided? It's a mistery to us down here because politics is hardly ever discussed. Most people here know both sides are lying just to get elected and barely raise an eyebrow about it.
This coming Friday, the state of QLD in Oz has made it mandatory to present a cellphone to validate a covid tracing app when entering supermarkets, gyms, anywhere basically. You hold the phone up and it scans a card just inside the door and registers you on the statewide system as having been there. There are workarounds, a paper log you can fill out if you don't have a phone, I was also tossing up the idea of having my screensaver as a grab of the confirmation screen. Then if someone is looking over my shoulder they will see the confirmation. I don't and won't have the app.

We can see where this is all heading though, constant tracking of all consumers nationwide. A big downside is that if someone was in that store when you were there, and gets diagnosed as positive, you get a door knock and are told to "Shelter in place" for 2 weeks. Thousands here have been locked down that way, and there is zero accountability. Very Orwellian.
The game does continue. A little cluster here a little cluster there shared between the states it only takes 5-20 people and we are back in the mask or lockdown mode for a few wks right away. Yes the app did send a shiver down my spine of future society where we won’t be able to gain entry and shop without such things. thankfully we are still able to sign in on the paper log for legal reasons they can’t get around yet. But yes you can see what may come next.

aaaand, THIS is why Americans fight so hard to keep our 2nd amendment.
What are you going to do if they bring the law in there, shoot all the supermarket staff?
no cash ,,all kept tight track of by the feds,,,, they would TAX US TO DEATH,,,,,,,, never happen I don't know one person that would go for this
What are you going to do if they bring the law in there, shoot all the supermarket staff?

I'm not exactly what sure what you are saying, but, I am about 99% sure Derek in the meat section has thumbed the scale on me at least twice. Sooo
Well, that's the whole point, Ling31. I think you Australians need to stand up and fight. Go in the stores anyway. Do what you want to do anyway. Stop staying at home. Aren't you free people?
It would not fly over here if Americans were told that starting Friday we had to show proof on our smart phones of a shot or we couldn't go anywhere, do anything. That's just nuts. Regardless of what our current government believes, they are not our overlords. They work for us. For Americans, I believe this would be a start of a civil war. Why? Because red state governors would not stand for this. And if blue state citizens want to roll over and do whatever they're told, then let them. I really don't care. I do what I want.
Because there is only a small percentage who actually know it's wrong, that's why. Also we are all relatively rich down here, even the unemployed get $1300 a month, and if you have scammed onto a disability pension, which a large proportion of welfare recipients have, you get $2400 a month. Everyone is fat and happy so to speak and doesn't want to rock the boat.

Look at the US, the whole nation is divided left and right, half the people hold one set of beliefs and half the opposite. It's like the Catholics and the protestants. How did that happen? How did a nation of free thinking people allow themselves to be so divided? It's a mistery to us down here because politics is hardly ever discussed. Most people here know both sides are lying just to get elected and barely raise an eyebrow about it.
We don't own the stores and the store owners are well within their rights to deny us entry. We could loot them like you do over there, but it's not our way.
So you are lumping us (the freedom loving Americans) in with Antifa and BLM? I guess we all look the same from down there. We aren't!
Backyard and Beyond....there are more than two options. It's not loot or get the vax. Antifa and BLM are the police hating, city destroying looters.'
Aren't there people protesting this in Australia? Editorials in your newspapers saying how wrong this is? Store owners and other business owners saying that they won't make people do this? Police saying how wrong it would be to arrest people for wanting to buy food? There can't be everyone going along with us.
Stand up Australia.
Backyard and Beyond....there are more than two options. It's not loot or get the vax. Antifa and BLM are the police hating, city destroying looters.'
Look, I don't know how this confusion is arising, but let me spell it out.

The Vax has nothing to do with what we are discussing. We, I, am talking about contact tracing as a prerequisit for entry into certain shops ok. As for the BLM and Antifa, well they are new are they not? I remember reading about the LA riots and other such events that happened long before BLM ever came on the scene.

I understand that the members of this forum would not engage in such activities but it is common place over there when people get under stress, or get the opportunity, to go looting. And I have seen the videos as well, it's not all blacks doing the looting. Now I'm not pointing the finger at the US, I am just stating the facts. Your idea of protesting is US-centric, and as I said, we don't do things your way. The switched on people will be fine, and the rest are sheep and of no consequence anyway.
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