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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains
These guys deserve their own thread!

“Tens of thousands of Canucks are lining the highways in support of the truckers and FREEDOM.

acceptable E-co Fashion

Crying as I watch footage of the truckers freedom convoy, I am realizing how much trauma our canadian government has caused, continues to cause and how broken I am. It is unforgivable.”

It is time to overthrow the dictators, with you this alleged pandemic will also fall. At the moment, the restrictions and police violence against peaceful citizens are more dangerous than Corona itself, we are being fooled, divided and played off against each other by those up there.
It is high time to make something creative out of wood and decorate with these self-appointed dictators.
I hope they hitch Trudeau by the heels and drag him back to Vancouver.
Me Too!! He can't stay in hiding forever. . . These Canadian Truckers are standing up for their Freedoms, along with everyone else. They have support from around this world. They have been an inspiration to other countries. The Freedom Convoy is HUGE!
Trudo,s Gestapo are closing the highways to stop the convoys. The commie shitbag is having Chinese UN troops sent after the patriots to stop them.
Rumor a couple days ago was that Trudeau asked local police and military to shut it down, but they said No. I haven't seen any Chinese UN in videos yet, BUT it wouldn't surprise me. They play dirty. .
I love this picture! Photo of Milk River, Alberta along the US border. Note the hokey stick. 🤣 Standing together! Did you see all the farmers who have joined in on this Freedom Convoy along with the additional 12,000 American truckers that went thru the Canadian border yesterday headed for the Freedom Rally!! Canadian truckers have the support!!! This photo will become famous at one point.
🤣 🤣

So I read that police are going around ticketing these guy. . . Yeah, good luck for that. Many came prepared to stay for weeks on their own, but MANY in the communities have stepped up to help feed them! Some with homemade baked good and others have even set up food tents to provide a hot meal. I have also seen where our US truckers are organizing for a California to Washington DC run happening after Canada's. ALL around the world have now been inspired by this movement!! Now seeing it happen in other countries. Hope it keeps growing! Hope everyone is prepared. It may have started out with a Biden Shortage Crisis, but it may just come full circle to us protestors. WE NEED TO END THIS BEFORE THEY START THE NEW MANDATES EFFECTING MORE KIDS!!!
Leftists are cowards. They whine and complain and make demands, but when you really look at them, you realize they are the losers and the trash of a society.

The entertainment industry was taken over by them on purpose -- to confuse people into thinking that the losers and the trash were heroes.

Hmm. . . He say's "We're not intimidated", but yet he is the one that went into hiding when the Freedom Convoy got close with the excuse of being "exposed" to Covid. Fast forward a couple days, now that the truckers didn't leave today to get back to work, triple vaxxed Trudeau now has Covid. How many times has he gotten Covid now? Legitimate question?? He seems to be insinuating that these peaceful protesting truckers are out to do harm, along with other news agencies. That is not what these guys are about.

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