Can you actually believe this is Australia?

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Awesome Friend
May 24, 2021
South Australia
These are the rules for NSW:
  • If you are over the age of 16 years and are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit another person’s place of residence, except in limited circumstances.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can participate in a gathering for sport or exercise with one other person or with your household.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a gym or indoor recreation facility.
  • Recreation facilities such as zoos, aquariums, sports stadiums, showgrounds, racecourses, motor racing tracks and theme parks, can open. If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a recreation facility.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a public swimming pool, either indoor or outdoor.
  • Up to 50 people can participate in an outdoor gathering, for example, for outdoor recreation such as a picnic. If you are not fully vaccinated you can gather with one other person or with your household.
  • Outdoor events and gatherings can take place in NSW. if you are not fully vaccinated you cannot attend an outdoor event.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated, you can only visit critical retail premises. These are: supermarkets, grocery stores, shops that mainly sell food or drinks, kiosks, petrol stations, hardware and building supplies, landscaping material supplies, rural supplies, pet supplies, newspapers, magazines or stationary (for example, newsagents), office supplies, maternity or baby supplies, medical or pharmaceutical supplies, alcohol (for example, liquor stores), post offices, garden centres and plant nurseries, vehicle hire businesses but not businesses that sell vehicles, shops that mainly carry out repairs of mobile phones, laundromats and drycleaners.
  • If you visit critical retail premises, you must: check in with the Service NSW app or provide your contact details to the occupier and follow the face mask rules.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a retail hairdresser, beauty salon or massage premises.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a hospitality venue except for take away.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit an entertainment facility.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small wedding service. A small wedding service is a wedding with up to 11 people attending. All people who are not fully vaccinated at a small wedding service must be seated while consuming alcohol and while eating and drinking. Dancing is permitted.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small funeral or memorial service. A small funeral or memorial service is a funeral or memorial with up to 10 people attending, not including the person conducting the service and anyone necessary for the conduct of the service.
  • A place of worship can open to all members of the public.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only travel in a vehicle with people you live with.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only travel in a vessel with people you live with.
  • Until 1 November 2021, people in Greater Sydney cannot travel beyond Greater Sydney for a holiday or recreational visits including day-trips. People outside of Greater Sydney cannot enter Greater Sydney for a holiday or recreational visits including day-trips.
  • If you want to leave Greater Sydney and enter regional and rural NSW, or leave regional and rural NSW and enter Greater Sydney, you need a reasonable excuse.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can use a holiday home or short-term accommodation with people who are from your household.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot take a holiday or undertake recreation outside the local government area you live in.
These are the rules for NSW:
  • If you are over the age of 16 years and are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit another person’s place of residence, except in limited circumstances.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can participate in a gathering for sport or exercise with one other person or with your household.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a gym or indoor recreation facility.
  • Recreation facilities such as zoos, aquariums, sports stadiums, showgrounds, racecourses, motor racing tracks and theme parks, can open. If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a recreation facility.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a public swimming pool, either indoor or outdoor.
  • Up to 50 people can participate in an outdoor gathering, for example, for outdoor recreation such as a picnic. If you are not fully vaccinated you can gather with one other person or with your household.
  • Outdoor events and gatherings can take place in NSW. if you are not fully vaccinated you cannot attend an outdoor event.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated, you can only visit critical retail premises. These are: supermarkets, grocery stores, shops that mainly sell food or drinks, kiosks, petrol stations, hardware and building supplies, landscaping material supplies, rural supplies, pet supplies, newspapers, magazines or stationary (for example, newsagents), office supplies, maternity or baby supplies, medical or pharmaceutical supplies, alcohol (for example, liquor stores), post offices, garden centres and plant nurseries, vehicle hire businesses but not businesses that sell vehicles, shops that mainly carry out repairs of mobile phones, laundromats and drycleaners.
  • If you visit critical retail premises, you must: check in with the Service NSW app or provide your contact details to the occupier and follow the face mask rules.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a retail hairdresser, beauty salon or massage premises.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a hospitality venue except for take away.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit an entertainment facility.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small wedding service. A small wedding service is a wedding with up to 11 people attending. All people who are not fully vaccinated at a small wedding service must be seated while consuming alcohol and while eating and drinking. Dancing is permitted.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small funeral or memorial service. A small funeral or memorial service is a funeral or memorial with up to 10 people attending, not including the person conducting the service and anyone necessary for the conduct of the service.
  • A place of worship can open to all members of the public.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only travel in a vehicle with people you live with.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only travel in a vessel with people you live with.
  • Until 1 November 2021, people in Greater Sydney cannot travel beyond Greater Sydney for a holiday or recreational visits including day-trips. People outside of Greater Sydney cannot enter Greater Sydney for a holiday or recreational visits including day-trips.
  • If you want to leave Greater Sydney and enter regional and rural NSW, or leave regional and rural NSW and enter Greater Sydney, you need a reasonable excuse.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can use a holiday home or short-term accommodation with people who are from your household.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot take a holiday or undertake recreation outside the local government area you live in.
I'm in NSW to mate. It's so authoritarian I can only think I got to get out of here. But in saying that, I go camping, I go where I want, wear no mask, don't scan in to stores. **** em. If you're in the Hunter region it would be good to meet up and discuss plans.
There's a digital app on their smart phones. If they don't have one they're supposed to get a printed certificate of vaccination. I'm not in NSW but checked up all the border restrictions and rules as my dad wants me to take him there to see his brothers (he's 93 and wanted to drive there but I'm not about to let him -- it's 1300 km (800 miles)). The people here are like sheep -- most are totally compliant with all the BS and think it's wonderful the nanny government is keeping us 'safe'. Where I live there's zero 'cases' in the community and haven't been any for well over a year, but I see the sheep every day wearing masks in their cars or walking their dogs. I'm getting out of this insane madhouse as soon as I can.
There's a digital app on their smart phones. If they don't have one they're supposed to get a printed certificate of vaccination. I'm not in NSW but checked up all the border restrictions and rules as my dad wants me to take him there to see his brothers (he's 93 and wanted to drive there but I'm not about to let him -- it's 1300 km (800 miles)). The people here are like sheep -- most are totally compliant with all the BS and think it's wonderful the nanny government is keeping us 'safe'. Where I live there's zero 'cases' in the community and haven't been any for well over a year, but I see the sheep every day wearing masks in their cars or walking their dogs. I'm getting out of this insane madhouse as soon as I can.
Mate don't get me started on the sheep. I'm pissed the government has illegally taken control of so many lives. I'm pissed our government has dirt for big pharma to dig up, threaten, blackmail and use against them. I'm pissed out government has bought and sold us to the globists. I'm pissed the majority live in fear and didnt stand up for them selves. If the masses were not compliant, we would be in the situation.
There's a digital app on their smart phones. If they don't have one they're supposed to get a printed certificate of vaccination. I'm not in NSW but checked up all the border restrictions and rules as my dad wants me to take him there to see his brothers (he's 93 and wanted to drive there but I'm not about to let him -- it's 1300 km (800 miles)). The people here are like sheep -- most are totally compliant with all the BS and think it's wonderful the nanny government is keeping us 'safe'. Where I live there's zero 'cases' in the community and haven't been any for well over a year, but I see the sheep every day wearing masks in their cars or walking their dogs. I'm getting out of this insane madhouse as soon as I can.
Not telling you to do anything Ileagal. Last year when there was many restrictions between states here, I flew into the neighboring state, Spent 23 hrs in the restrictive state-did the business I needed to do, saw my kids, and got out of Dodge.
Don’t think I will ever fly in/or out of that state again. I found some benefits to do it this way.
Not telling you to do anything Ileagal. Last year when there was many restrictions between states here, I flew into the neighboring state, Spent 23 hrs in the restrictive state-did the business I needed to do, saw my kids, and got out of Dodge.
Don’t think I will ever fly in/or out of that state again. I found some benefits to do it this way.
Freedom of movement is not illegal, it's illegal for any authority to claim you have no freedom of movement.

Only pure evil will try to make it illegal to see your friends and/or family.
Freedom of movement is not illegal, it's illegal for any authority to claim you have no freedom of movement.

Only pure evil will try to make it illegal to see your friends and/or family.
Agreed. But I knew there were more ways in and out than that state could block.
Wasnt blocked going in or out, but would have had to submit with the cell phone crap if I had flown in.
I am on you Aussies side. Just sharing what I did to beat it here.
How is this checked? Through a smart phone? What if you don't have one? (like Me). I have a very old flip phone and I don't have aps.
Are people really obeying this? What happens if they don't?
Glad I'm not Australian. Sorry. But glad.
The best answer I can give is, "it depends".
Ikea checks for "vaccinations".
Bunnings, a large hardware store, does not.
Someone I know could not get her hair done because she was asked whether she was "vaccinated".
Someone I know got their hair cut at a barber because they did not ask (but should have) whether the person was "vaccinated".
Two health professionals asked me whether I was "vaccinated" and I have been denied service.
Two health professionals asked me whether I was "vaccinated" and I have been denied service.
Set their houses on fire and wait for the Fire Dept. to come and ask if they are vaccinated or not.
Let them get bit by a poisonous snake and then ask them if they are vaxxed or not.....
Only the braindead are capable of coming up with such stupid ****....
This thread topic is
"Can you actually believe this is Australia"

And everyone is ranting on like we're some freak country gone off on it's own mad dystopian trip. The reality is boys and girls we do not even appear on the list of nations that actually HAVE a vaxx passport system in place. And half the world does.
vaxx states.jpg

Switzerland has a passport system in place,
Canada is well ahead of Australia.
My advice to you all is to stop panicking like schoolgirls who got a bad haircut and start meaningful discussions on how you plan to evade this. Every nation on earth will have it soon no doubt, do you think anyone will find a legitimate escape? Very doubtful. If you don't want the vaccine then be prepared to never get on a train or bus again, to never cross borders or go overseas, to possibly lose your job.

Queensland, which is behind the curve in all this, will catch up one day too. Here the premier, a fat cow who gets fatter every year (body shaming) is currently pleading with rural Queenslanders to get jabbed because we lag greatly in the totals. That is because people in the country are more independent and think for themselves rather than let government think for them. They have a healthy distrust for government. They are clannish, they watch out for each other.

As a serious prepper it has always been your best call of action to move out of the cities, now so more than ever. Personally these passport measures, as they currently sit, wouldn't effect me because I cut my own hair, never waste time or money going to footy games or concerts or the like, only travel local and order 9/10's of what I require online. In small country towns you have 2 or 3 country town cops and they behave a lot different than the Oinks in the city. There is no "Traffic Branch" out here either which is great.

Now get your $hit together and make some plans. If you have to meet a doctor in the carpark after dark and walk him back against his car, so be it, but have a plan or two and stop acting like roos in the headlights!
These are the rules for NSW:
  • If you are over the age of 16 years and are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit another person’s place of residence, except in limited circumstances.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can participate in a gathering for sport or exercise with one other person or with your household.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a gym or indoor recreation facility.
  • Recreation facilities such as zoos, aquariums, sports stadiums, showgrounds, racecourses, motor racing tracks and theme parks, can open. If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a recreation facility.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a public swimming pool, either indoor or outdoor.
  • Up to 50 people can participate in an outdoor gathering, for example, for outdoor recreation such as a picnic. If you are not fully vaccinated you can gather with one other person or with your household.
  • Outdoor events and gatherings can take place in NSW. if you are not fully vaccinated you cannot attend an outdoor event.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated, you can only visit critical retail premises. These are: supermarkets, grocery stores, shops that mainly sell food or drinks, kiosks, petrol stations, hardware and building supplies, landscaping material supplies, rural supplies, pet supplies, newspapers, magazines or stationary (for example, newsagents), office supplies, maternity or baby supplies, medical or pharmaceutical supplies, alcohol (for example, liquor stores), post offices, garden centres and plant nurseries, vehicle hire businesses but not businesses that sell vehicles, shops that mainly carry out repairs of mobile phones, laundromats and drycleaners.
  • If you visit critical retail premises, you must: check in with the Service NSW app or provide your contact details to the occupier and follow the face mask rules.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a retail hairdresser, beauty salon or massage premises.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit a hospitality venue except for take away.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot visit an entertainment facility.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small wedding service. A small wedding service is a wedding with up to 11 people attending. All people who are not fully vaccinated at a small wedding service must be seated while consuming alcohol and while eating and drinking. Dancing is permitted.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small funeral or memorial service. A small funeral or memorial service is a funeral or memorial with up to 10 people attending, not including the person conducting the service and anyone necessary for the conduct of the service.
  • A place of worship can open to all members of the public.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only travel in a vehicle with people you live with.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can only travel in a vessel with people you live with.
  • Until 1 November 2021, people in Greater Sydney cannot travel beyond Greater Sydney for a holiday or recreational visits including day-trips. People outside of Greater Sydney cannot enter Greater Sydney for a holiday or recreational visits including day-trips.
  • If you want to leave Greater Sydney and enter regional and rural NSW, or leave regional and rural NSW and enter Greater Sydney, you need a reasonable excuse.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can use a holiday home or short-term accommodation with people who are from your household.
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you cannot take a holiday or undertake recreation outside the local government area you live in.
I stopped counting after the 20 you shall nots. We’ve had the biblical 10 commandments since time millennial thankfully God is a little more lenient with our failures when we fail his. Unlike with the Covid tyrants who are forever breathing hell fire, and continuously changing and adding to theirs. And so it bounces back and forth from state to state. I’m sure Queensland will get a good dose soon enough so we get the message really good too.
I'm in NSW to mate. It's so authoritarian I can only think I got to get out of here. But in saying that, I go camping, I go where I want, wear no mask, don't scan in to stores. 性交 em. If you're in the Hunter region it would be good to meet up and discuss plans.

Get some of the boys together and make an emergency call from deep within the outback... if ya know what I mean.
"If you are not fully vaccinated you can only attend a small wedding service. A small wedding service is a wedding with up to 11 people attending. All people who are not fully vaccinated at a small wedding service must be seated while consuming alcohol and while eating and drinking. Dancing is permitted. "

This right here makes NO sense to me at all even reading thru all their tyrannical rules! What does being seated while consuming alcohol, food and drink verses standing up have with slowing the spread at a Wedding service of only 11 people!
The experiment continues down under. Woolies & Coles Australia’s largest supermarket chains have just announced no jab no job by January 2022. Looking upon Brisbane’s Friday Couriers mail says it all. You have a boarder hopper between the states. Looks to me that non vaccinated people are classed far worse than murderers with their faces splashed all over the front page news