Can anyone recommend a good Med Kit?

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Awesome Friend
Mar 18, 2022
We started really prepping about two months ago and we're now at the point of shopping for a good med kit.
We'd like to limit it to $500 bucks if at all possible.
We thought about making up our own but we'd surely miss some things.
It'd be far easier to buy a good kit and ad to that.
I think to do it properly, you need a cabinet.
We have 2 large toolboxes set up for dogs and horses. A cabinet down below and a plastic drawer bin in the barn.
I asked my vet wife to set one up for us. Answer- the dog one is good..
I leave the medical to the expert.
I think to do it properly, you need a cabinet.
We have 2 large toolboxes set up for dogs and horses. A cabinet down below and a plastic drawer bin in the barn.
I asked my vet wife to set one up for us. Answer- the dog one is good..
I leave the medical to the expert.

While I'm no doctor I do know how to suture a bad cut. My Father was the trainer for the Houston Rockets back in the day and I watched guys get stitches many times and he told me what he was doing and the why. Thats about as far as my medical skills go other than treating sprains and other sports injuries.
They have one on My Patriot Supply for $675 but it doesnt even come with suture kits or even ace bandages.
Thats pretty high for what it contains in my opinion.
The Dogs med kit is our med kit,LOL.
I do have antibiotics and a small supply of around 30 Morphine tabs from my hip surgery and other over the counter pain meds.
Oh...I want to keep it to backpack size so I can toss it in the truck in the event of a bug out situation.
Get Chlorine Dioxide solution. Better yet. Learn how to make your own and stock the sodium chlorite. You won't need any antibiotics, disinfectant, water purification, snake and spider venom neutralizer and treats all viruses, bacterial infections, small parasites, and much more. Look up The Universal Antidote.

I would suggest a small comprehensive medical kit and add to it.
While I'm no doctor I do know how to suture a bad cut. My Father was the trainer for the Houston Rockets back in the day and I watched guys get stitches many times and he told me what he was doing and the why. Thats about as far as my medical skills go other than treating sprains and other sports injuries.
They have one on My Patriot Supply for $675 but it doesnt even come with suture kits or even ace bandages.
Thats pretty high for what it contains in my opinion.
The Dogs med kit is our med kit,LOL.
I do have antibiotics and a small supply of around 30 Morphine tabs from my hip surgery and other over the counter pain meds.
I probably could do better stitching than she can. Surgeons took pity on her during her surgery rotation because she was already going into IM.
My real point is you aren’t going to get it into a backpack or tool kit.
I have 2 tool kits and 2 small cabinets full. Start adding equipment- stethoscope. Otoscope, etc. The only thing we don’t have from her everyday practice is endoscope and ultrasound.
Don’t laugh at the dog kit, she saved an AKC hunt test from being cancelled, they just had to change the layout. We have sutures.
Our dogs have backup antibiotics and pain meds.
We may just be set enough, I know the average person isn’t going to have enough unless they partner with a med professional.
I started with a couple of drug store FAK's and then expanded. The only medical knowledge I have is the first aid I learned in the Navy. Sad but true I know more about how a 1911 works than the human body.
I probably could do better stitching than she can. Surgeons took pity on her during her surgery rotation because she was already going into IM.
My real point is you aren’t going to get it into a backpack or tool kit.
I have 2 tool kits and 2 small cabinets full. Start adding equipment- stethoscope. Otoscope, etc. The only thing we don’t have from her everyday practice is endoscope and ultrasound.
Don’t laugh at the dog kit, she saved an AKC hunt test from being cancelled, they just had to change the layout. We have sutures.
Our dogs have backup antibiotics and pain meds.
We may just be set enough, I know the average person isn’t going to have enough unless they partner with a med professional.

Even if I have to use two backpacks It needs to be mobile.
My Father carried around the old Dr. Bag you see in the movies everywhere he went and he could treat a myriad of medical emergencies out of that bag.
Of course he had other options in his training room but what he carried could stabilize a patient until they got them to the hospital,or in his case the training room.
He's had patients that were hockey players that had their eyeball popped out of their skull and hanging on their cheek by the optic nerve when hit by a hockey puck going 90 mph.
Thats what I'm looking for in a quick reaction bag.
Of course I want a more inclusive pack at the home base or the bug out location.
My real point is you aren’t going to get it into a backpack or tool kit.
I have 2 tool kits and 2 small cabinets full.

We don’t have as much as you from the sounds of it, but we do have large kits for both our dog and us…as well as a small kit for the chickens. I agree though, if you get not even everything that is needed, there is no way it goes into even a large bag. We have shelves we built in a closet for these items. I’ve got two doctors and 2 EMTs in the family and yes they have helped me gather necessary items.

The kits you buy aren’t all that great. Also, you should know about everything you have and how, why and when to use it. Otherwise it is useless.
The Med Kit came in.
While I havent sat down and gone through it completely it's pretty well stocked.
I already know I'll need to ad some tampons of both types to use as packing for heavily bleeding wounds ot deep punctures.
Already picked up a nice suture kit to put in it. I'm sure I'll find other things that need to be added but this is a good start.
Dont think it has any clotting powder in it which will definitely be added.
It also has several detachable small bags for different injuries or just to pack with you on short trips.





The Med Kit came in.
While I havent sat down and gone through it completely it's pretty well stocked.
I already know I'll need to ad some tampons of both types to use as packing for heavily bleeding wounds ot deep punctures.
Already picked up a nice suture kit to put in it. I'm sure I'll find other things that need to be added but this is a good start.
Dont think it has any clotting powder in it which will definitely be added.
It also has several detachable small bags for different injuries or just to pack with you on short trips.

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Need to see if it has tourniquets as well.
There are a lot of first aid kits on the market today. There are many trauma kits available. OK for broken bones and car wrecks. If you want the real deal talk to an emergency room doctor or other medical professional. Take some classes. Get married to a professional (as I did). When the SHIF situation occurs, you will not be stabilize and transport. You will be save them or let them die. I have spent a great deal of money on arms and ammunition. Now, as I mature, It makes sense to invest in medical care and treatment.
There are a lot of first aid kits on the market today. There are many trauma kits available. OK for broken bones and car wrecks. If you want the real deal talk to an emergency room doctor or other medical professional. Take some classes. Get married to a professional (as I did). When the SHIF situation occurs, you will not be stabilize and transport. You will be save them or let them die. I have spent a great deal of money on arms and ammunition. Now, as I mature, It makes sense to invest in medical care and treatment.

The Wife and I are both outdoors people and we have all the outdoor gear,hunting gear,fishing gear and the like. We just added a dozen Yo-Yo's and rat traps for squirrels. Use to do some trapping in my younger days so I have a half dozen steel jaw traps.
Guns and ammo are definitely not an issue.
What we lacked was long term food storage and of course a decent med kit. We're up to around 10 months of food and we'll keep adding to that. We have 30 5 gallon bottles of Ozarka spring water that we rotate out to keep it fresh,I'd like to add more since water will always be an issue. We just got an account with Ozarka and over ordered until we had thirty 5 gallon jugs and then went to what we could drink in a months time.
We are definitely lacking when it comes to medical knowledge other than what I learned from my Dad. I can suture up a wound no problem or treat a sprain but beyond that I'd be winging it.
As I mentioned in another post I'm going to try and acquire some injectable Lidocaine from my GP or my pain med Doc so sutures wont be so painful.
Or at least find out if there's another solution.
We started really prepping about two months ago and we're now at the point of shopping for a good med kit.
We'd like to limit it to $500 bucks if at all possible.
We thought about making up our own but we'd surely miss some things.
It'd be far easier to buy a good kit and ad to that.

What you put in your med kit would depend upon your comfort level in treating wounds. A chest vent, will not do you any good if you are not comfortable utilizing it. So everyone's is a little different based on their skill sets.
While I know how to patch a sucking chest wound I have no idea where I'd go from there.
Get them to a medical professional. My wife would say the same thing. I would say “what would you do for a dog, and she would go into mode”
People with medical training and knowledge may have to be pushed in SHTF. It doesn’t matter if it’s medical or veterinary.
A drill fell off my ladder and hit me on the head. I told my wife stitch me up. She said you need several stitches. Urgent care put 2 butterflies on.
Medical training is good to have, but we may need to push them out of comfort zones in SHTF.
Get them to a medical professional. My wife would say the same thing. I would say “what would you do for a dog, and she would go into mode”
People with medical training and knowledge may have to be pushed in SHTF. It doesn’t matter if it’s medical or veterinary.
A drill fell off my ladder and hit me on the head. I told my wife stitch me up. She said you need several stitches. Urgent care put 2 butterflies on.
Medical training is good to have, but we may need to push them out of comfort zones in SHTF.

Assuming one was available yeah.
In a true SHTF situation they're gonna die.
Like I understand how to remove an appendix I sure as hell wouldnt want to try it.
Assuming one was available yeah.
In a true SHTF situation they're gonna die.
Like I understand how to remove an appendix I sure as hell wouldnt want to try it.
if it was a matter of life and death, pushed, I trust my wife to do it.
Would you trust a Vet or someone off the street? Given a choice between a vet, a nurse or an army medic, I would go Vet, Medic, nurse.
if it was a matter of life and death, pushed, I trust my wife to do it.
Would you trust a Vet or someone off the street? Given a choice between a vet, a nurse or an army medic, I would go Vet, Medic, nurse.

Again,thats assuming you have one available.
But yeah I'd trust anyone them over my skill set.
Dracos nailed it - having a family member with medical skills would be best! I've always advocated that we're better together than apart.
Consider finding like-minded people who have skills
and maybe make some plans together. If it doesn't work out, you'll still have learned a lot from each other.

If my Father was still alive that'd be great....since he died when I was 16 that leaves basically myself and I.
While it'd be nice to have a Doc or even a nurse or vet it's not in the cards at the moment.
Again,thats assuming you have one available.
But yeah I'd trust anyone them over my skill set.
Dude I have heard the phone ring @2am. Hear “ditt dit dittt, ditt dit ditt on the other end. She goes into mode, says the treatment and meds, and med rate before I even drift back to sleep.
Of course, she is now too awake to go back to sleep.
I will equate an EMT to a Army medic in my previous example.
While I know how to patch a sucking chest wound I have no idea where I'd go from there.

The concepts of triage will change drastically WTSHTF.

I can tell you what I have in my med kit...a lot of it is for animals and is a mix of natural things and more modern medical things.

I have three sets. One is for "the road" and one is for at home, one at the BOL. The Road bag, has different contents than the other two. The Road kit is the only one that fits into a back pack and is only good for minor things.

Jerusalem bandages (money saving tip: horse bandages work just as well and are cheaper)
Chest vents
Fish Antibiotics
Gauze pads and wraps
Colloidal silver
Suture kit
Syringes (various sizes)
Various gauges of needles
Emergency Defibrillator
Blood pressure cuff
Blood O2 saturation monitor
Zip stitch laceration kit
Hand Sanitizer
Rubbing Alcohol
Tripple Antibiotic cream
Chemical Ice packs
Chemical Heat packs
Anti-diarrheal meds
Tums (calcium carbonate effective mitigation against certain kinds of radiation)
Drawing pastes
Yeast infection treatments (not just for women BTW/diaper rash, jock itch, sweat rash and some foot issues)
Blister treatments
Liquid Stitch
Band-aids and butterfly closures
Pain meds, mucus relief, cough meds and other over the counter "normal" stuff
Anti-oxidants (DIM, selenium, COQ10, etc...radiation mitigation again)
Topical meds for eye infections
Thermometers (NOT digital)
IV supplies
Sterile Saline
Braces for ankles, wrists and knees
Casting materials
Microscopes and slides
Blood typing supplies
Clotting powders
Finger leg and arm splints
Tooth numbing liquids and natural things
Temporary crown materials

I am sure I forgot some things...
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Dude I have heard the phone ring @2am. Hear “ditt dit dittt, ditt dit ditt on the other end. She goes into mode, says the treatment and meds, and med rate before I even drift back to sleep.
Of course, she is now too awake to go back to sleep.
I will equate an EMT to a Army medic in my previous example.

My Mother was a Paramedic and I heard the same calls come over the scanner.
That of course does nothing for my current situation since she passed away last year after battling dementia and alzheimer's.
There aren't to many people who have the luxury of having trained medical personnel as friends or family.
The concepts of triage will change drastically WTSHTF.

I can tell you what I have in my med kit...a lot of it is for animals and is a mix of natural things and more modern medical things.

I have three sets. One is for "the road" and one is for at home, one at the BOL. The Road bag, has different contents than the other two. The Road kit is the only one that fits into a back pack and is only good for minor things.

Jerusalem bandages (money saving tip: horse bandages work just as well and are cheaper)
Chest vents
Fish Antibiotics
Gauze pads and wraps
Colloidal silver
Suture kit
Syringes (various sizes)
Various gauges of needles
Emergency Defibrillator
Blood pressure cuff
Blood O2 saturation monitor
Zip stitch laceration kit
Hand Sanitizer
Rubbing Alcohol
Tripple Antibiotic cream
Chemical Ice packs
Chemical Heat packs
Anti-diarrheal meds
Tums (calcium carbonate effective mitigation against certain kinds of radiation)
Drawing pastes
Yeast infection treatments (not just for women BTW/diaper rash, jock itch, sweat rash and some foot issues)
Blister treatments
Liquid Stitch
Band-aids and butterfly closures
Pain meds, mucus relief, cough meds and other over the counter "normal" stuff
Anti-oxidants (DIM, selenium, COQ10, etc...radiation mitigation again)
Topical meds for eye infections
Thermometers (NOT digital)
IV supplies
Sterile Saline
Braces for ankles, wrists and knees
Casting materials
Microscopes and slides
Blood typing supplies
Clotting powders
Finger leg and arm splints
Tooth numbing liquids and natural things
Temporary crown materials

I am sure I forgot some things...

I have most of the stuff you've listed but....
Where'd you get your lidocain?
I'm looking for some right now.
@TexPrep I hope you are happy with your kit. I hope you know how to use your kit. Otherwise it’s a useless 25lbs.

You sound bitter,not sure why but okay.
I'll do what I feel I can do,if you have a better suggestion I'd be glad to hear it.
I guess you can do heart surgery or an organ transplant, but unfortunately I'm not at that level.
Good luck on your future endeavors and may you heal all trauma you come across.