Australia Lockdowns

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Dec 29, 2012
I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread on the Australian lockdowns. I know we have talked about them in other post and I really feel like this is the way Joe is trying to take the US. . . They are just farther along in this process. If you have been paying attention it is BAD! You can not go to the beach, you can not even visit the cemetery.

Aussie construction workers in Melbourne are not allowed to eat inside if they aren’t vaxed. So they blocked off the road and setup to eat lunch outside.
Peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins are highly effective.
I dispute they are effective. It has not changed government policy.
It's changing people's attitude towards city life in the southern states though. Migration to Queensland is at an all time high and nice coastal and rural towns are booming. From a prepper perspective this makes sense, it's the get out of dodge (and doge coin) move. As far as vaccine exclusion goes though I think France is way ahead of us.
never should have agreed to the gun bans >> you wouldn't be seeing this kind of GOV abuses if weapons would have reared their ugly snouts at your latest protest ...

watch what happens to Biden's threat when it's REALLY challenged by the 2A people in the US ....
You haven't yet realised that "elections" in all Western countries (with the exception of perhaps Switzerland) are a farce, and are only a facade to make the gullible think they have real power over their governments?
It has said that a "two-party system" is merely two wings of the same bird of prey.
We had an anomaly in 2016. Scared the crap out of the establishment. ESPECIALLY the establishment Republicans. They're still scared to death of "Mean Tweet Trump."
But yeah, people are calling the Democrats and establishment Republicans the "Uniparty." Without the establishment Republicans running interference for them, the Democrats could not have pulled off the steal in 2020.
never should have agreed to the gun bans >> you wouldn't be seeing this kind of GOV abuses if weapons would have reared their ugly snouts at your latest protest ...

watch what happens to Biden's threat when it's REALLY challenged by the 2A people in the US ....

Snipers from a good distance taking out the corrupt POS would put a fast end to the abuse of Aussies!
You haven't yet realised that "elections" in all Western countries (with the exception of perhaps Switzerland) are a farce, and are only a facade to make the gullible think they have real power over their governments?
It has said that a "two-party system" is merely two wings of the same bird of prey.

what does YOUR ignorance of civil rights have to do with any elections - you Euros bent over and kizzed away your personal freedoms to the "king" ages ago - they re-arm the serfs long enough to get killed in some royal battle and then declare the serfs toooo stupid & ignorant to be trusted ...

try fighting for freedom by yourselfs sometime and somebody might take an ignorant snob like you seriously ...
Snipers from a good distance taking out the corrupt POS would put a fast end to the abuse of Aussies!

wouldn't even take that much - somebody armed steps up and dispatches those two cops abusing that old woman >>> it'll send a message - half the force calls in sick the next day - the other half shrinks by more AWOLs and more public dispatches ....

in regard to snipers - only reason why the standoff with Obammy's Bureau of Land Management ended without violence - their snipers aiming at unarmed protesters received a return laser greeting - counter-sniper fire isn't anything cowards like that are going to buck ...
what does YOUR ignorance of civil rights have to do with any elections - you Euros bent over and kizzed away your personal freedoms to the "king" ages ago - they re-arm the serfs long enough to get killed in some royal battle and then declare the serfs toooo stupid & ignorant to be trusted ...

try fighting for freedom by yourselfs sometime and somebody might take an ignorant snob like you seriously ...
You have no knowledge of my political positions, political knowledge, political experience and background from which to make such an assertion.

Here's a little secret for you . . . . Australia is not part of Europe.
And . . . I personally was born and raised in the USSA.
(I am happy to discuss with you US federal government non-compliance and disregard of the US constitution since the early 1800s . . . and that the present US federal government is a usurper/coup replacement of the original US government under the Articles of Confederation, intentionally concentrating power for the elites. I am well aware of US "civil rights", and lack thereof.)
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We need a third or even fourth party to challenge the system.

The establishment will stop that of course.
That is when the people see this, we see France like protests.
I have a paradigm which would break the back of the party system, which by the way is not at all mentioned in the US constitution.
Unfortunately, "the Westminster System", based upon the UK system, embeds parties in the political system.

My solution is:

The Senate is meant to be a representation of "the States". The lower house is meant to be a representation of the people.
But, by voting for lower house representatives geographically (which made sense hundreds of years ago because lack of communication, but makes no sense now), the parties can "divide and conquer" any initiative the people have which does not comply with the wishes of the party elites.

Therefore, get rid of lower house districts. There are 435 House of Reps seats. There are approximately 213 million registered US voters; let's round that out to 217.5m for the sake of discussion. If someone wants a seat in the House of Reps, they just need to get 500,000 people to "vote" for them, from ANYWHERE in the country. People should be able to withdraw their support for a "representative" at any time. That would make them more responsive. And, you would get more diverse voices in CONgress rather than rigging it so that (except for rare examples) only those candidates blessed by the party hierarchy win.

This principle can be applied to any government which has a lower house intended to have representatives apportioned to the people. (e.g. US states, Australian federal govt, Australian state govts, UK parliament.)

As regards the 2016 "anomaly":
It was clear from the Republican Party's treatment of Ron Paul that the RP hierarchy is corrupt.
It was clear from the Democratic Party's treatment of Tulsi Gabbard that the DNC is corrupt.
You would think people would have learned by now that "The major parties stink like farties".
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I have a paradigm which would break the back of the party system, which by the way is not at all mentioned in the US constitution.
Unfortunately, "the Westminster System", based upon the UK system, embeds parties in the political system.

My solution is:

The Senate is meant to be a representation of "the States". The lower house is meant to be a representation of the people.
But, by voting for lower house representatives geographically (which made sense hundreds of years ago because lack of communication, but makes no sense now), the parties can "divide and conquer" any initiative the people have which does not comply with the wishes of the party elites.

Therefore, get rid of lower house districts. There are 435 House of Reps seats. There are approximately 213 million registered US voters; let's round that out to 217.5m for the sake of discussion. If someone wants a seat in the House of Reps, they just need to get 500,000 people to "vote" for them, from ANYWHERE in the country.
Fatal flaw in your reasoning. Rural areas would have almost no voice in that system. All the power would be concentrated in the large population centers (which is exactly what the founders were trying to avoid)
Fatal flaw in your reasoning. Rural areas would have almost no voice in that system. All the power would be concentrated in the large population centers (which is exactly what the founders were trying to avoid)
Not true. The problem you are concerned about manifests now more than with my solution.
With my solution, rural populations can work together to choose people to represent their interests.
Under the present system, rural people are often in voting districts where they are outnumbered by "cityfolk", and therefore have NO say.

AND, there are many other interests which need to be heard and have no voice: like the desire for the US government to cease spending vast sums of money and killing/maiming its youth in its quest to destabilise and attempt to control many parts of the world (Middle East, Africa, Central/South America).
Or, Native Americans coordinating to have representation in CONgress.
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You haven't yet realised that "elections" in all Western countries (with the exception of perhaps Switzerland) are a farce, and are only a facade to make the gullible think they have real power over their governments?
It has said that a "two-party system" is merely two wings of the same bird of prey.
This is so true! How long have our elections been fake? Too long!
And yet, there are so many people who will argue and carry on about one party or another.
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [22.09.21 03:44]
Media outlets in Victoria are no longer allowed to fly choppers/drones over protests to get footage.

Whats next? Cutting off the internet so people cant live stream?


Reminds me of what is happening on the border when they said drones were no longer allowed, but some DHS said **** it and allowed.
Does anyone on here know how to access the people doing vaccine passports in Australia. It is an encrypted link on Telegram but I cant find it.
Vaccination Certificates are accessible through the website
After logging in to it, you then click on the Medicare link and "follow the bouncing ball"

If you don't have an account set up you will have to do so. Make sure you have your Bank BSB and account details and your Medicare card details with you.
Such scenes we will get to see here more and more, there are still too many people who have not understood, the state will declare war on ALL those who do not comply in the future, be it if you do not vaccinate, or who you defend your freedom and rights.
It's time to take action against these damned Gestapo agents, no matter what these policemen do, they will not be held accountable for their behavior. We live in a dictatorship and in every dictatorship resistance becomes a duty.
The unvaccinated are now discriminated by the authorities and hunted by the police, this is only the training, when enough have vaccinated they will hunt us all, for many it will be too late.

Such scenes we will get to see here more and more, there are still too many people who have not understood, the state will declare war on ALL those who do not comply in the future, be it if you do not vaccinate, or who you defend your freedom and rights.
It's time to take action against these damned Gestapo agents, no matter what these policemen do, they will not be held accountable for their behavior. We live in a dictatorship and in every dictatorship resistance becomes a duty.
The unvaccinated are now discriminated by the authorities and hunted by the police, this is only the training, when enough have vaccinated they will hunt us all, for many it will be too late.

If a cop tried that here, he would be shot dead.
Believe me, if I saw a police officer doing this, I would come at him with my fists even if I got shot.

There are limits, very hard limits, at the moment politicians are crossing these limits without consequences. Our politicians who recently condemned and sanctioned Belarus and Russia for police violence are now letting antisocial criminals in police uniforms loose on their own people.
Not all policemen are criminals, but tragically a minority of these getapo criminals can and may commit crimes against their own people with impunity.
Such scenes we will get to see here more and more, there are still too many people who have not understood, the state will declare war on ALL those who do not comply in the future, be it if you do not vaccinate, or who you defend your freedom and rights.
It's time to take action against these damned Gestapo agents, no matter what these policemen do, they will not be held accountable for their behavior. We live in a dictatorship and in every dictatorship resistance becomes a duty.
The unvaccinated are now discriminated by the authorities and hunted by the police, this is only the training, when enough have vaccinated they will hunt us all, for many it will be too late.

There does not seem to be a smidgen of difference between criminals/attackers and the so called police. The people had best get together and start beating the crap out of cops that are doing these horrendous CRIMES against the vulnerable!
The idea in this regard is good, the problem is there are still too many sheep and if you go after the police you are as good as dead.
I am convinced that the government is just waiting for violent attacks against the police and then there will be even tougher measures or the government will send the army into the field.
Actually, what is going on here is already war against its own population, as something else you can not call it.

I am no coward and meanwhile I am so far that I would have jumped this perverted Police Officer without hesitation to the neck I this scene here seen. I am not looking for suicide that I would do that, even if I would then probably get a few bullets of his "police comrade", BUT I have a sense of justice that is not compatible with such a thing, such scenes are just pathetic and testify to a deep-seated hatred against their own population.
Scenes like this on this video can trigger a conflagration that can no longer be stopped, if such scenes were to happen in other countries would here all governments, human rights organizations and media just scream.

We are now sunk deep, very deep even, I never thought three or four years ago that our governments can sink so low by making your own people cannon fodder for perverts in uniform, but I am taught better day after day, time to fight back.
Here is a link to the original video of the cop choking the girl with audio that goes longer than that one. This one will really get your dander up. YouTube won't let you embed it, and you have to log into YouTube and confirm several times that you understand it is sensitive material before they will let you play it.


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