Anyone worried about bank runs from Cyprus fallout?

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It looks like it could spill over all over Europe and then come to America maybe.
This will definitely happen and may not be a BAD thing! It could mean some of the good guys are winning. What we don't know is when. The collapse of the Euro is being engineered by the uncertainty, according to my sources. That could create a flight INTO the USD for awhile - just like the Greece episode last summer. But it will eventually all come falling down. An orderly transition is the best we can hope for. Barter systems and small silver are what most are recommending for the interim. Western NY has some tough people. They won't even notice the economic collapse. LOL
It would not take much to convince me to close my accounts though. It's not like they earn any interest these days.
Ssshhhhh...don't tell anyone but I work at a bank...I do NOT trust banks with my money. I only keep in there what I need to pay my monthly bills...I don't even keep spending money in there...I pay by cash for virtually everything.
I makes you wonder if all this is happening to bring about the New World Order. Trying to force a global financial system. I know I have heard talk of having an "Amero" currency for north amerian countries, similiar to the Euro. They would have to collapse our current financial structure to do it but when people are desperate they would jump at the thought of bringing back prosperity.
the only problem I see with keeping your money under the matress, after a while, when the money piles up how do you stop your ass getting scorched on the light bulb
This week the first real signal of France also struggling came.
For me that is very serious since France is a huge economic country.
All over the world people in general has less money to use. And since every country needs the others to buy products and services to survive it is critical not to close their borders. This includes all the big ones too, US, China, Russia, India, Japan, Germany and more.
There is a simple solution for this problem... but painful. Every human being must use a little less money, save a little more and make sure that all debt can be paid in their household.

But since we are using more than we can afford in pure greed it will go straight to hell. I can see it all over the place. People not willing to take their share of "fighting" this problem just want more and more and more. Then of course they get a surprise when they cannot pay their debts and then start to blame all others.

By using a little less and save a little more, the whole world will struggle for some years but the private households does not end up with nothing. Understand companies will go bankrupt but it will be fewer versus continuing to overspend.
Must stop increasing dept worldwide.
This week the first real signal of France also struggling came.
For me that is very serious since France is a huge economic country.
All over the world people in general has less money to use. And since every country needs the others to buy products and services to survive it is critical not to close their borders. This includes all the big ones too, US, China, Russia, India, Japan, Germany and more.
There is a simple solution for this problem... but painful. Every human being must use a little less money, save a little more and make sure that all debt can be paid in their household.

But since we are using more than we can afford in pure greed it will go straight to hell. I can see it all over the place. People not willing to take their share of "fighting" this problem just want more and more and more. Then of course they get a surprise when they cannot pay their debts and then start to blame all others.

By using a little less and save a little more, the whole world will struggle for some years but the private households does not end up with nothing. Understand companies will go bankrupt but it will be fewer versus continuing to overspend.
Must stop increasing dept worldwide.

That doesn't fit into the agenda of the government, business, or regular people. People want more, always more. The more people buy, the more profits corporations make, the more taxes they pay, the more government can say they are doing a good job. The more corporations make, the more they reinvest into research and development, with R&D more products can be made which in turn should mean more jobs.

The government fears everyone spending less money because that is what a recession is. It is a downward spiral. It is painful, but I believe we have over spent beyond our means and now we are reaping what we sow. Liberals think that if we can confiscate enough, they can spend their way into prosperity. Wishful thinking. Somehow if we take the money from the super rich, the people who have more than they can ever spend and redistribute it to the people on the bottom to give them a chance, things will be right in the world. The problem is that you are taking from the rich, the people who earned their money, or invested in wisely to get into their position and give it to the people who don't make good investments.

Now the liberal argument I always hear is "oh I know rich people, and trust me they inherited that money and it isn't fair, they don't really do anything." Bull crap. Even if that was true your still confiscating from the hard earnings who earned it within their life time. Just all I got to say about that.
Interesting, before I found this forum I did not think of economy as a problem area that could cause crises. Now, easy to see what could happen if it turns really bad.

Btw I have no issues with rich people. People can be as rich as they like. Since the global economy is not that healthy I do not find wise to continue to spend more than you have and working up debt.
A controlled recession would be good but probably not possible. I'm holding back and in my mind that is prepping.

No sir - I do not follow Gordon Gekko "greed is good greed works" ;) .
i do limit my self to how often i use my debet card just so i dont over spend..but i do need to make it a habit of with drawing what i will be spending between paydays,and leave my debet card at home when i dont need it..that way what money needs to be in my acount will be there.and i'll know exact how much money i have that i can spend at same time..

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