America Planning WAR

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Awesome Friend
Mar 5, 2020
Georgia Mountains
The so called advisors to brain dead biden are giving him this type of ADVICE!


“In retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine, those who pull the puppet strings of Geriatric Joe have reportedly presented himwith a “menu” of options for carrying out “massive cyberattacks” against Russia.

Four “anonymous insiders” told NBC Newsthat fake “president” Joe Biden could be just days away from hitting the launch button on an array of preselected targets that Joe’s handlers believe would most cripple Vladimir Putin’s military operations in Ukraine.

“You could do everything from slow the trains down to have them fall off the tracks,” one person who claims to have been briefed on the matter said.

While no final decisions have yet been made, United States intelligence and military cyber warriors are said to be proposing the use of American cyber weapons “on a scale never before contemplated.”

“Among the options: Disrupting internet connectivity across Russia, shutting off electric power, and tampering with railroad switches to hamper Russia’s ability to resupply its forces, three of the sources said.”

WHO THINKS Putin would sit back and not retaliate on the United States?
It will all come back 1:1, many politicians in Europe think Russia is an insignificant regional power, the middle class here is also destroyed thanks to the EU sanctions because all prices for raw materials go through the roof.
Thousands of companies are also driven into bankruptcy here and the supply chains are completely destroyed, the main thing is that the export of weapons increases.
Anybody remember what happened to the EXXON VALDEZ when the baffoon and drunk captain let someone else drive while he was drunk???
The WH in DC is letting a buffoon drive while the real captain is not at the helm...or is the royal kings joker pelosi having the last words of wisdom???
To where this knows...we can only speculate and prep.
In Europe, all the media are now writing that Putin is suffering from Long Covid and that is why he went so mad and had Ukraine attacked.

Europe is now working to maintain total war, everywhere in Europe Russian artists and conductors are being fired and banished, everything is being sanctioned and boycotted and France wants to confiscate Russian property. The problem will be, if the Russians attack Europe out of anger, Europe will call for the USA because Europe with its ailing armies cannot counter this and Americans will then lose their lives.

Very dirty stuff the way this is going, I don't know if you get that in the US, but if anyone is suffering from Long Covid or insanity, it's our politicians here.
“Cue The New International Brigade

The American media blitz is certainly an interesting animal over the current war in Ukraine. Almost in unison, we have the mockingbirds each rushing to create a rigid dichotomy full of flowery imagery signed, sealed and delivered, tailor made to appeal to American culture. Whatever the hell that is.

We love an underdog. Am I right?

Poor Zelinsky, poor Ukraine, hapless boobs under the threat of the Russian war machine. Its a story tailor made for Hollywood, and may very well have been.

Keep in mind all of this is a result of US meddling, even down to the threats of Ukraine seeking nuclear weapons. Who would provide them?

Russia is a big problem, China is a far bigger problem, and the biggest problem is that Belt and Road is quickly maneuvering to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. Force is not how you deal with them, especially given the US’ weakness in the past year. A bumbling dementia patient is fooling no one.

No matter how this pans out, nuclear war or no, the severe social consequences of lionizing Leftists in a fight the west provoked will absolutely bring about the next phase in a looming bloody civil war here at home. And that’s the one you should prepare for, because they are.

Read entire article here:
“24 AUG 2017, 21:24

Hacker group says US biological labs active in Ukraine

A number of outbreaks of diseases rare for Ukraine have been registered in the country in recent years

In reality, covert biological experiments are being carried out under the Pentagon’s aegis," the document reads.

According to the National Medical Chamber of Ukraine, the rate of infection by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C and other socially dangerous diseases in the country remains among the highest in Europe and the world. The country’s medical community is particularly concerned by the spread of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.

In recent years, the country was hit by several outbreaks of measles. Last year, the southeastern Ukrainian city of Izmail was hit by an unknown intestinal infection. Outbreaks of swine flu, botulism, leptospirosis and other infections have also been registered.”
for all you Putin propaganda excuse mongers >>> better get some more map pins - plenty of pins - start marking out the uber secret Fauci bio-labs in Moldova - word is Putin isn't bothering with a pretense stop at the Ukraine border - he's rolling on thru before NATO can do something about it .....
for all you Putin propaganda excuse mongers >>> better get some more map pins - plenty of pins - start marking out the uber secret Fauci bio-labs in Moldova - word is Putin isn't bothering with a pretense stop at the Ukraine border - he's rolling on thru before NATO can do something about it .....
Good, I hope he takes them all out.
you sound like the ignorant azzhole Palestinians and other Muslims that cheered the deaths of all the innocent people on 911 >>>> cheering on a dictator like KGN Putin killing & enslaving people is about un-American as it gets .....
And you sound like a deep state supporter. Worshipping Moloch tonight?

Stop watching the MSM and think for yourself.
you sound like the ignorant azzhole Palestinians and other Muslims that cheered the deaths of all the innocent people on 911 >>>> cheering on a dictator like KGN Putin killing & enslaving people is about un-American as it gets .....

Resist your brainwashing just a little bit. Step back and think.
you sound like the ignorant azzhole Palestinians and other Muslims that cheered the deaths of all the innocent people on 911 >>>> cheering on a dictator like KGN Putin killing & enslaving people is about un-American as it gets .....

Islamic terrorists in Europe will shoot down American and European civilian airliners in a few weeks/months with the anti-aircraft weapons that the U.S., U.K. and other European countries are now supplying to Ukraine.
I'll tell you one thing now, the borders are open everywhere here, and I'll bet you that at least 5% of all weapons now being delivered to Ukraine will fall into the wrong hands and these weapons will be smuggled through Europe.
You will know it one day when you see in the news that a commercial airliner was shot down on takeoff and that there were hundreds of dead.
Weapons deliveries to Ukraine is one thing, but you will never find a large part of these weapons again, let alone be able to trace where they went, and we are not talking about AK47s which can do enough damage, we are talking about armor piercing ammunition and anti-aircraft missiles.

It may be that one or the other object comes back to their country, but it may also be that the wrong people have it in their hands.
WHY would anyone support Zelensky or Putin at this point?

What “I” WILL NOT DO is blindly support the Ukraine because…

There are at least 9 bioweapon labs on the Russian border.
(we would never put up with that from another country)

This is the country where Biden, Pelosi, Kerry and Romney ALL have children employed! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to KNOW something is rotten to the core!

SOROS is out pushing against Russia. You know, the guy who has single-handedly funded nothing but destruction of our country? Since when is he ever on the morally correct side?

Biden and Hunter have made MILLIONS from dirty dealings in the Ukraine.

The MSM, you know the ones who have done nothing but LIE, LIE AND LIE is breaking their necks to push “bad Putin”, just like they do President Trump. Why would anyone believe them???

The intelligent position at this time is to COMPARE everything from both sides...not go lapping up the propaganda being slopped to the pigs.
THERE IS NO "UN-CORRUPT" GOV'T in the world. Get used to that. There are better and worse corrupt governments in the world. Get used to that. It was always the problem of the "little guy" to pay taxes, work hard, get what you can and send your children to war for another dumbass idea, religion, piece of land, insult or other dumbass thing. Freedom is not free and you will always be paying for something in money, blood or life. The world is a piece of **** run by pieces of **** and feeding the good people ****. Get used to that.
You and I will never be able to change these facts, ever. Get used to that.
All you can do is believe your own truths and live your own life.
Why does ANYBODY think you can sit at a table with a stranger you have never met, speaking a language you do not understand, with a culture you never tried, asking questions of certain things you never thought about and demanding something you will never give up....when even in YOUR OWN FAMILY you cannot decide what to eat tonite, where to go on vacation or even what to watch on TV....
Reality and Theory people are so totally different. Get used to that too.
Live free, fight for your family, keep your faith and never ask for too much, you: WILL BE DISAPPOINTED...humbly yours, Gary
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

They lied about Zaporizhzhya because they want to pull the US into the war The lies will become bigger It's going to get worse

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


Has Lindsey Graham or any of these psychopaths even considered who would take over if Putin is assassinated? Think beyond Step One

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


The elites want WW3”

The elites are the WEF/GLOBALISTS/NWO billionaires who want YOU DEAD!!! Do you get it yet? They are pushing Putin into WW3 for a reason people.

(Jack Posobiec is ex Navy Intelligence Officer)

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