5.11 tactical pants

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Colt 1911

Swiss army knives / multi tools
Jun 18, 2012
Southern California
Awesome pants, but for $59.99 ill buy a pair of $15 cargo pants and sew my own freaken hidden pockets in LOL!
Cool to hear something about clothing as an item of concern. In everything i've read and all the shows online all the talk is aimed at firearms and ammo, food and water and shelter. I started a long time ago stocking up on clothing items. Everything from winter to summer clothing including extreme winter stuff because I am between the flatlands where all the small towns and cities are so if I have to leave I will most likely be headed up in elevation to the sierra nevada mountains so I have to prep accordingly. Jackets, boots, tactical pants and socks. some of the jackets have been modified by myself. I love pockets so a few of them have many added pockets.
The only thing when the time comes is what to take and how much can you carry.
Cool to hear something about clothing as an item of concern. In everything i've read and all the shows online all the talk is aimed at firearms and ammo, food and water and shelter. I started a long time ago stocking up on clothing items. Everything from winter to summer clothing including extreme winter stuff because I am between the flatlands where all the small towns and cities are so if I have to leave I will most likely be headed up in elevation to the sierra nevada mountains so I have to prep accordingly. Jackets, boots, tactical pants and socks. some of the jackets have been modified by myself. I love pockets so a few of them have many added pockets.
The only thing when the time comes is what to take and how much can you carry.
Cool to hear something about clothing as an item of concern. In everything i've read and all the shows online all the talk is aimed at firearms and ammo, food and water and shelter. I started a long time ago stocking up on clothing items. Everything from winter to summer clothing including extreme winter stuff because I am between the flatlands where all the small towns and cities are so if I have to leave I will most likely be headed up in elevation to the sierra nevada mountains so I have to prep accordingly. Jackets, boots, tactical pants and socks. some of the jackets have been modified by myself. I love pockets so a few of them have many added pockets.
The only thing when the time comes is what to take and how much can you carry.

My last backpack trip was in the sierras, went to hell diver lake.
Cool to hear something about clothing as an item of concern. In everything i've read and all the shows online all the talk is aimed at firearms and ammo, food and water and shelter. I started a long time ago stocking up on clothing items. Everything from winter to summer clothing including extreme winter stuff because I am between the flatlands where all the small towns and cities are so if I have to leave I will most likely be headed up in elevation to the sierra nevada mountains so I have to prep accordingly. Jackets, boots, tactical pants and socks. some of the jackets have been modified by myself. I love pockets so a few of them have many added pockets.
The only thing when the time comes is what to take and how much can you carry.

My last backpack trip was in the sierras, went to hell diver lake.
hell diver lake? I'm just west of Kings Canyon and Sequoia Nat'l parks @2700'. I'll have to look at my map for this lake. I moved here from San Jose in 1990 and spent every minute I could hiking, biking and 4 wheelin everywhere from Lake don pedro to Bakersfield. currently I spend alot of time near Kings Canyon, out of park limits in the forest practicing skills and building various types of shelters with my 24yo son. I have a cool survival bible which we train from. It's so big it would take years to learn everything in it and since it covers every corner of the globes possible locations, climates and areas so we concentrate on where we are covering all the seasons here. There's plenty in them thar hills to survive and we have to consider that the mountains could well be a place that many may head to so it brings up other concerns of surviving too. At least I know my way around most places and have been used to understanding the dangers involved with hiking in various types of terrian up there. I've been to mammoth from cedar grove and june lake loop from edison. It's been several years since I walked over but skills are retained. Even the rope rescue training with the dept that has motivated me to do more rope stuff.
I want to find out where Hell Diver Lake is........Maybe i'll use google, i'm curious.
hell diver lake? I'm just west of Kings Canyon and Sequoia Nat'l parks @2700'. I'll have to look at my map for this lake. I moved here from San Jose in 1990 and spent every minute I could hiking, biking and 4 wheelin everywhere from Lake don pedro to Bakersfield. currently I spend alot of time near Kings Canyon, out of park limits in the forest practicing skills and building various types of shelters with my 24yo son. I have a cool survival bible which we train from. It's so big it would take years to learn everything in it and since it covers every corner of the globes possible locations, climates and areas so we concentrate on where we are covering all the seasons here. There's plenty in them thar hills to survive and we have to consider that the mountains could well be a place that many may head to so it brings up other concerns of surviving too. At least I know my way around most places and have been used to understanding the dangers involved with hiking in various types of terrian up there. I've been to mammoth from cedar grove and june lake loop from edison. It's been several years since I walked over but skills are retained. Even the rope rescue training with the dept that has motivated me to do more rope stuff.
I want to find out where Hell Diver Lake is........Maybe i'll use google, i'm curious.
Thats some nice country you are in, A man can disappear up there, sounds like you have things covered. The rope work i feel would give you a upper hand on a lot of people. You can go up and down where most can't.You can Haul gear to high ground, Thing is you are going to have to have a partner. A partner that you can trust with your life. I have been climbing with my brother for 15 years and it is one of the greatest things ever. I would suggest trying to hook up with some one that can teach you the basics. No book will be a substitute for being on the rock. Let me look around i think i have a pdf on rock climbing knots, if i do i will send it your way.
The book I have has a large section on knots and from my experience with the dept, we were trained by a special forces guy who worked for L.A. County sherriffs. He trained us with most basic knots and lot's of rope tricks. Thing is too that my son has a wife and 2 son's. He's already told me which I do understand that when tshf he can't buggout with me like I would do so that leaves me by myself. I could do it alone but a partner is more insurance of successful survival because you can both watch eachothers back. If I have an accident he's there for me and visversa.
I have a 30 year old daughter with son as well and I wonder sometimes if shtf if I could leave them to fend for themselves. I don't think I could. I see myself staying and protecting them with my life. It brings up concerns about a shelter somewhere on my property but I am very limited financially and in norder to create something underground that was secure enough it would take lot's of cash. I was too fast in starting that 2 years ago but as I learned more I found that the location was not good. I feel confident that whatever happens I know I will defend to the end thats for sure.
You know it's a universal crime to allow yourself to be aggressed upon without defending yourself. Every creature in the universe, be it a knat, a bird, a wolf and even most types of plant life have a built in mechanism to protect themselves because in the universe there will always be aggression, it's something that keeps everything in balance, you can't have good unless you have bad.
This mechanism was put there by our creator.
5.11 pants, i own alot, great pants but yes alittle on the pricey side. If you got the money and you want something that will last you in the long run go with 5.11, also TruSpec pants are good as well i also own alot of that brand to. Either will do the job. 5.11 all the way.:ar15:
really 5.11 cost that much.....ive seen so many at my local Goodwills....i pass them up because they are never my size.....im about to buy them all from now on and sell them at a discount WTHeck

thriftshops are the best :D
Remember this, in a TEOTWAWKI scenario your climate could change drastically. More than you may be acclimated to. Make sure you have the proper backup clothing to address this possibility.
hell diver lake? I'm just west of Kings Canyon and Sequoia Nat'l parks @2700'. I'll have to look at my map for this lake. I moved here from San Jose in 1990 and spent every minute I could hiking, biking and 4 wheelin everywhere from Lake don pedro to Bakersfield. currently I spend alot of time near Kings Canyon, out of park limits in the forest practicing skills and building various types of shelters with my 24yo son. I have a cool survival bible which we train from. It's so big it would take years to learn everything in it and since it covers every corner of the globes possible locations, climates and areas so we concentrate on where we are covering all the seasons here. There's plenty in them thar hills to survive and we have to consider that the mountains could well be a place that many may head to so it brings up other concerns of surviving too. At least I know my way around most places and have been used to understanding the dangers involved with hiking in various types of terrian up there. I've been to mammoth from cedar grove and june lake loop from edison. It's been several years since I walked over but skills are retained. Even the rope rescue training with the dept that has motivated me to do more rope stuff.
I want to find out where Hell Diver Lake is........Maybe i'll use google, i'm curious.
Hello Mike, haven't been on regularly but I have a post sharing some stuff about medicinal plants. I'll check it.
The book is available online i'm sure or at book stores. It's not that old. It's about 1 1/2 inches thick and covers EVERYTHING. About 50% of everything I have read so far is new to me and being an avid outdoorsman I spend alot of time in the mountains doing things that most do not do. I go off the trails and love to use a regular compass or just use the stars, the moon and visual references to get around. I had to practice most things but I've always had a good sense of direction.
Anyway, i'll post again in a few minutes after I get the book so I can give you the name, publisher and any other info I can get. For me this book is a "must have" as it really does teach a person to be completely reliable on nature for food, shelter, safety, emergency medical stuff, how to make your own clothes, start fires, signaling and much much more.
Post again in a few..............................
“The Ultimate Outdoors Book” By Paul Tawrell. It's the same book I have. $20 bucks or so and very much worth the money

If you want to learn how to be reliant on nature wherever you go in the world this book will show you how in detailed text and diagrams/pictures.
I could go on and on about what is covered but in a few words, the best survival education tool ever.

Get it, you will not be disappointed.
“The Ultimate Outdoors Book” By Paul Tawrell. It's the same book I have. $20 bucks or so and very much worth the money

If you want to learn how to be reliant on nature wherever you go in the world this book will show you how in detailed text and diagrams/pictures.t
I could go on and on about what is covered but in a few words, the best survival education tool ever.u

Get it, you will not be disappointed.
FYI, this book sells like hotcakes but amazon does their best to keep them in stock. Today they have only 7 in stock. It's one of their best sellers.
FYI, this book sells like hotcakes but amazon does their best to keep them in stock. Today they have only 7 in stock. It's one of their best sellers.
Hello Mike, haven't been on regularly but I have a post sharing some stuff about medicinal plants. I'll check it.
The book is available online i'm sure or at book stores. It's not that old. It's about 1 1/2 inches thick and covers EVERYTHING. About 50% of everything I have read so far is new to me and being an avid outdoorsman I spend alot of time in the mountains doing things that most do not do. I go off the trails and love to use a regular compass or just use the stars, the moon and visual references to get around. I had to practice most things but I've always had a good sense of direction.
Anyway, i'll post again in a few minutes after I get the book so I can give you the name, publisher and any other info I can get. For me this book is a "must have" as it really does teach a person to be completely reliable on nature for food, shelter, safety, emergency medical stuff, how to make your own clothes, start fires, signaling and much much more.
Post again in a few..............................
Hi Savageagle many thanks for your ost im sure the book will be all you say it is
Hi Eagle , am really pissed to say the least, Amazon have that book you spoke about, but, because I live in the UK AND IM ONLY PURCHASING ONE ITEM , THEY WONT SHIP IT TO ME.
I like mine. Nice but expensive, the only reason I have them is for work